



n.电脑, 计算机


In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.


We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.


I'm getting a new computer for birthday present.


I am a computer operator.


We should be watchful of computer viruses.


This computer company was established last year.



形容词: computable | 名词: computability | 动词过去式: computed | 动词过去分词: computed | 动词现在分词: computing | 动词第三人称单数: computes |


1. 电脑, 电子计算机

The entire operation is done by computer.


2. 计算者




形容词: computable | 名词: computability | 动词过去式: computed | 动词过去分词: computed | 动词现在分词: computing | 动词第三人称单数: computes |



n.计算器, 计算机

calculator  calculating machine  analog computer  digital computer  adding machine  data processor  microprocessor  supercomputer  microcomputer  number cruncher  PC  laptop  

n.计算者, 数学家

mathematician  arithmetician  geometrician  geometer  algebraist  


accountant   computercomputerD.J.:[kəmˈpju:tə]K.K.:[kəmˈpjutɚ]n.
1.翻译:(电子)计算机, 电脑A computer is a device for handling of processing information.电脑是一种资料处理装置。

1.翻译:计算机,电子计算机,电脑 [亦称作 processor,参较analog computer, digital computer]

1.翻译:(电子)计算机[器]; 电脑计算装置
2.翻译:计算员;【化】计数[量]器computer graphics电子计算机制图computer language电子计算机语言computer dating利用计算机安排单身男女约会的服务继承用法computer-basedadj.
1.翻译:计算机测时仪[记时器]; 计时计算机computerman[kəmˈpju:təmən]n.
1.翻译:计算机工作人员; 计算机专家computer-orientedadj.
1.翻译:计算机登记的; 计算机选择的computerlike[kəmˈpju:təlaɪk]adj.
1.翻译:计算机般的 computer
a device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals. Most computers operate electronically and manipulate data in digital form
翻译:a person who makes calculations, especially with a calculating machine
The power of the digital computer lies in its ability to carry out different tasks according to its programming, without any structural change. Successive generations of computer have become progressively smaller and faster as vacuum tubes have been replaced first by transistors and then by integrated circuits. Originally huge and expensive tools of scientific research, they now include hand-held machines for personal use, and are widely used for the storage, processing, transfer, and presentation of information, and for the control of mechanical and electronic systems


名词 computer:

a machine for performing calculations automatically

同义词:computing machine, computing device, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system

an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)

同义词:calculator, reckoner, figurer, estimator

特殊用法absolute value computer
1.翻译:绝对值计算机A.C. computer
1.翻译:交流计算机active computer
1.翻译:在用计算机aerospace computer
1.翻译:航天计算机air speed computer
1.翻译:空速计算机air data computer
1.翻译:飞行数据计算机air defense computer
1.翻译:防空计算机air navigation computer
1.翻译:领航计算机airborne digital computer
1.翻译:机载数字计算机airborne navigator computer
1.翻译:机载[飞机]导航计算机aircraft computer
1.翻译:飞机(航行)计算机, 飞行器计算机aircraft fire control computer
1.翻译:机载火(力)控(制)计算机alarm computer
1.翻译:报警计算机algebraic computer
1.翻译:代数计算机all-cryotron computer
1.翻译:全冷子管计算机all-optical computer
1.翻译:全光系计算机all-purpose computer
1.翻译:通用计算机all-transistor computer
1.翻译:全晶体管计算机analog process computer
1.翻译:模拟过程计算机angular travel computer
1.翻译:角位移[角程]计算机arbitrary course computer
1.翻译:任意航向计算机arbitrary sequence computer
1.翻译:可变时序计算机, 任意顺序计算机arithmetic binary computer
1.翻译:二进位计算机array computer
1.翻译:阵列式计算机asynchronous direct-coupled computer
1.翻译:异步直接耦合计算机autocorrelogram computer
1.翻译:自相关式计算机automatic air-traffic control computer
1.翻译:空中交通自动控制计算机automatic decimal point computer
1.翻译:小数点自动定位计算机automatic digital tracking analyzer computer
1.翻译:自动跟踪分析数字计算机automatic relay computer
1.翻译:自动继电器计算机automatic sequence controlled computer
1.翻译:自动程序控制计算机automatic traffic computer
1.翻译:自动交通管理计算机automatic train length computer
1.翻译:列车长度自动计算机automatic traverse computer
1.翻译:【航海】自动偏移计算机autopilot computer
1.翻译:自动驾驶仪计算机axis transformation computer
1.翻译:坐标轴变换计算机azimuth computer
1.翻译:方位计算器ballistic computer
1.翻译:弹道参数计算机beam controlling computer
1.翻译:波束控制计算机bearing distance computer
1.翻译:方位距离计算机binary digital computer
1.翻译:二进制数字计算机bionic computer
1.翻译:仿生电子计算机board computer
1.翻译:插件式计算机bombing computer
1.翻译:轰炸计算机buffered computer
1.翻译:带缓冲的计算机business computer
1.翻译:商用[事务]计算机byte computer
1.翻译:字节计算机, 二进位组计算机car location information computer
1.翻译:车辆位置信息计算机card programmed computer
1.翻译:穿孔卡片程序控制计算机carrier computer
1.翻译:载波计算机central air data computer
1.翻译:中央航空数据计算机channel computer
1.翻译:通路计算机character-oriented computer
1.翻译:面向字符的计算机color difference computer
1.翻译:色差计算机color tolerance computer
1.翻译:颜色容许误差计算机colour mixture computer
1.翻译:混合物色度测定计算机; 彩色混合计算机combined hybrid computer
1.翻译:组合式混合计算机commercial computer
1.翻译:商用计算机communication-oriented computer
1.翻译:通信用计算机compiling computer
1.翻译:编译计算机concurrent computer
1.翻译:并行计算机consecutive sequence computer
1.翻译:串行操作计算机, 时序计算机continuously acting computer
1.翻译:连续输出式计算机control computer
1.翻译:控制计算机counting-rate computer
1.翻译:计数率计算机course-line computer
1.翻译:【航空】航线计算机crest control computer
1.翻译:驼峰顶控制计算机cross-wind computer
1.翻译:侧风计算机cryogenic computer
1.翻译:低温计算机cryotron computer
1.翻译:冷子管计算机data processing computer
1.翻译:数据处理计算机d.c. analog computer
1.翻译:直流模拟计算机dead reckoning computer
1.翻译:航位推算计算机decimal computer
1.翻译:十进位(制)计算机dedicated computer
1.翻译:专用计算机deflection computer
1.翻译:前置量计算机, 偏离计算机desk-top analog computer
1.翻译:台式模拟计算机deviation computer
1.翻译:偏差计算机diagnosis computer
1.翻译:诊断计算机dialing set computer
1.翻译:带拨号盘的计算机digital computer
1.翻译:数字[位]计算机digital electronic computer
1.翻译:数字电子计算机direct analog computer
1.翻译:直接式模拟计算机direct-coupled computer
1.翻译:直接耦合计算机director-type computer
1.翻译:指挥仪型计算机dispatching computer
1.翻译:调度计算机distributed computer
1.翻译:分布式计算机drift computer
1.翻译:偏差[移]计算机duplex computer
1.翻译:双计算机dynamic pressure computer
1.翻译:动压力计算机easy instruction automatic computer
1.翻译:教学用自动计算机electrical analog computer
1.翻译:电模拟计算机electro-mechanical fire control computer
1.翻译:机电射击[模拟]指挥仪; 机电火力控制计算机eletronic analogue computer
1.翻译:电子模拟计算机electronic automatic digital computer
1.翻译:电子式自动数字计算机electronic binary multiplying computer
1.翻译:二进制乘法电子计算机electronic parallel digital computer
1.翻译:并行电子数字计算机elevation computer
1.翻译:高度计算机external memory computer
1.翻译:外存储型计算机externally programmed computer
1.翻译:外程序(式)计算机fault tolerant computer
1.翻译:容错计算机(能自动纠正错误)fax computer
1.翻译:传真计算机fifth-generation computer
1.翻译:第五代计算机file computer
1.翻译:文件[编目]计算机first generation computer
1.翻译:第一代计算机(用真空管元件)fixed-point floating-point computer
1.翻译:定[浮]点计算机fixed-program computer
1.翻译:固定程序计算机fixed-sequence computer
1.翻译:固定程序计算机fixed-word length computer
1.翻译:固定字长计算机flight-control computer
1.翻译:飞行控制计算机flight path computer
1.翻译:飞行航线计算机fluid analogue computer
1.翻译:射流模拟计算机flutter computer
1.翻译:颤动计算机fractional computer
1.翻译:分数计算机(小数点在最前面的定点计算机)freight car allocation computer
1.翻译:货车调配计算机freight control computer
1.翻译:货物控制计算机functional analog computer
1.翻译:函数式模拟计算机fuse time computer
1.翻译:引信时间计算机general purpose digital computer
1.翻译:通用数字计算机giant computer
1.翻译:巨型计算机gravity computer
1.翻译:重力计算机ground-speed computer
1.翻译:地速计算机guidance computer
1.翻译:制导系统计算机, 导航计算机gunsight computer
1.翻译:【军】瞄准具计算机hand computer
1.翻译:手摇计算机heat transfer computer
1.翻译:热传递计height computer
1.翻译:高度计数器hidden computer
1.翻译:隐式计算机hierachical computers
1.翻译:分线计算机网high-speed analogue computer
1.翻译:高速模拟计算机Hitachi parametron automatic computer
1.翻译:[日]日立参变管电子计算机host computer
1.翻译:主(计算)机hump computer
1.翻译:驼峰计算机hybrid computer
1.翻译:混[复]合计算机hybrid fire control computer
1.翻译:混合指挥仪hydraulic computer
1.翻译:液压计算机incremental digital computer
1.翻译:增量数字计算机inner computer
1.翻译:内侧计算机input computer
1.翻译:存入计算机instrument approach system steering computer
1.翻译:盲目降落临场操纵计算机, 仪表临场操纵计算机internally program(m)ed computer
1.翻译:内程序计算机international computer
1.翻译:国际制式计算机language translation computer
1.翻译:语言翻译计算机large integrated monolithic array computer
1.翻译:大规模集成化单片阵计算机laser computer
1.翻译:激光计算机launch-control computer
1.翻译:发射控制计算机lead computer
1.翻译:【军】提前量计算机linkage computer
1.翻译:连续动作(式)计算机liquid-head analog computer
1.翻译:液头模拟计算机logical computer
1.翻译:逻辑计算机logic-controlled sequential computer
1.翻译:逻辑控制时序计算机long distance navigation computer
1.翻译:远程导航计算机low cost computer
1.翻译:简易型计算机machine computer
1.翻译:机用计算机macro-modular computer
1.翻译:宏模块[宏组合]式计算机magnetic drum computer
1.翻译:磁鼓计算机magnetic logic computer
1.翻译:磁逻辑电路计算机management information system computer
1.翻译:管理情报系统计算机manufacturing dedicated computer
1.翻译:生产管理计算机master-slave computer
1.翻译:主从计算机matrix computer
1.翻译:矩阵计算机mechanical analog computer
1.翻译:机械模拟计算机medium-size computer
1.翻译:中型计算机message switching computer
1.翻译:信息转接计算机microprogrammed control computer
1.翻译:微程序控制计算机military computer
1.翻译:军用计算机miniature analogue computer
1.翻译:小型模拟计算机missile fire control computer
1.翻译:导弹火控计算机mobile digital computer
1.翻译:移动式数字计算机model computer
1.翻译:积木式计算机modular analog computer
1.翻译:组合[积木, 模块]式模拟计算机, 微型模似计算机monoboard computer
1.翻译:单片[板]计算机monolithic computer
1.翻译:单片[块]计算机movable computer
1.翻译:移动式计算机multiaction computer
1.翻译:多作用计算机multiple access computer
1.翻译:多路存取计算机multiple-address computer
1.翻译:多地址计算机multiradix computer
1.翻译:多基数计算机navigational computer
1.翻译:导航计算机numerical computer
1.翻译:数值计算机object computer
1.翻译:目标计算机off-line computer
1.翻译:脱机计算机offset-course computer
1.翻译:航向偏差计算机on-line computer
1.翻译:联机计算机open computer
1.翻译:开式计算机optical analogue computer
1.翻译:光学模拟计算机optical path computer
1.翻译:光程计算机parallel binary computer
1.翻译:并行二进制计算机parallel course computer
1.翻译:平行航向计算机parametric electronic computer
1.翻译:参量(元件)电子计算机parametron computer
1.翻译:变参数计算机peripheral support computer
1.翻译:外围支援计算机personal computer
1.翻译:个人计算机, 专用计算机photometric computer
1.翻译:光度计算机pictorial flying computer
1.翻译:景象显示飞行(的)计算机pinboard computer
1.翻译:插接[接线盘]式计算机pipeline computer
1.翻译:流水线计算机plugboard computer
1.翻译:外部指令式计算机, 配线式计算机plugged program computer
1.翻译:插入程序计算机pneumatic analog computer
1.翻译:气动模拟计算机pocket computer
1.翻译:便携[袖珍]式计算机poison computer
1.翻译:毒性分析计算机polynomial computer
1.翻译:多项式计算机portable computer
1.翻译:便携式计算机power supply computer
1.翻译:供电用计算机power-spectrum computer
1.翻译:功率频谱计算机process control computer
1.翻译:(生产)过程控制计算机program directing computer
1.翻译:程序指挥计算机programme-controlled computer
1.翻译:程序控制计算机photogrammetric computer
1.翻译:摄影测量计算机punched card controlled computer
1.翻译:穿孔卡控制式计算机quantized computer
1.翻译:数字转换型计算机radix two computer
1.翻译:(多位)二进制计算机ranging computer
1.翻译:测距计算机, 距离测定仪ratio computer
1.翻译:比例计算器real-time analogue computer
1.翻译:实时模拟计算机reeves electronic analog computer
1.翻译:穿孔电子模拟计算机relay computer
1.翻译:继电器式计算机repetitve type electronic analogue computer
1.翻译:周期运算式电子模拟计算机rho-theta computer
1.翻译:【航空】ρ-W 计算机sampled-data analog computer
1.翻译:抽样数据模拟计算机satellite computer
1.翻译:辅助[卫星]计算机scientific computer
1.翻译:科学用计算机second generation computer
1.翻译:第二代计算机(晶体管计算机)secondary computer
1.翻译:辅助计算机, 副计算机selective sequence computer
1.翻译:选择程序计算机self-diagnosable computer
1.翻译:自诊断计算机self-programming computer
1.翻译:自编程序计算机sequence-controlled computer
1.翻译:程序控制计算机sequential computer
1.翻译:时序计算机serial binary computer
1.翻译:串行二进制计算机servo-analog computer
1.翻译:伺服模拟计算机signed magnitude computer
1.翻译:绝对值计算机, 带符号运算的计算机single-board computer
1.翻译:单板计算机single purpose computer
1.翻译:专用计算机slow-type electronic analogue computer
1.翻译:低速电子模拟计算机solid-state computer
1.翻译:固态计算机, 第二代计算机source computer
1.翻译:源(程序)计算机space computer
1.翻译:空(间飞行器)载计算机, 航天器计算机space-borne computer
1.翻译:空(间飞行器)载计算机, 航天器计算机space navigation computer
1.翻译:航天导航计算机special-purpose computer
1.翻译:专用计算机square-root computer
1.翻译:平方根[开平方]计算机stadia computer
1.翻译:视距计算器Standard Western Automatic computer B
1.翻译:形电子通用数字计算机stand-by computer
1.翻译:备用计算机statistical computer
1.翻译:统计计算机steering computer
1.翻译:驾驭用计算机storage program computer
1.翻译:程序存储式计算机, 内存程序计算机superconducting computer
1.翻译:超导计算机superhuge computer
1.翻译:超大型计算机supervisory control computer
1.翻译:监控计算机, 管理控制计算机superway computer
1.翻译:超大规模计算机switching computer
1.翻译:开关计算机synchronous tracking computer
1.翻译:同步跟踪计算机system component computer
1.翻译:系统单元计算机target computer
1.翻译:目标程序计算机, 目的计算机teleprocessing type computer
1.翻译:远距离处理式计算机terminal control computer
1.翻译:终端站控制计算机thermal analog computer
1.翻译:热模拟计算机third generation computer
1.翻译:第三代计算机(集成电路计算机)time sharing computer
1.翻译:分时计算机tracking computer
1.翻译:跟踪计算机traffic control computer
1.翻译:交通管制计算机traffic regulation computer
1.翻译:运输调整计算机train-borne computer
1.翻译:车载[列车]计算机training computer
1.翻译:训练[教学]计算机transistorized electronic digital computer
1.翻译:晶体管数字电子计算机tri-dimensional analogue computer
1.翻译:三维模拟计算机two-bearing computer
1.翻译:双(航向)方位计算机unit construction computer
1.翻译:组件式计算机universal digital computer
1.翻译:通用数字计算机variable structure computer
1.翻译:结构可变的计算机variable word length computer
1.翻译:可变字长计算机vector computer
1.翻译:矢[向]量计算机wagon control computer
1.翻译:车辆控制计算机weather computer
1.翻译:气象计算机whirlwind computer
1.翻译:旋风式计算机wind tunnel computer
1.翻译:风洞型计算机word-oriented computer
1.翻译:面向字的计算机yard automatic computer
1.翻译:编组场自动计算机zero address computer
1.翻译:无[零]地址计算机zone melting analog computer


1. The children are addicted to computer games.


2. Once his brain was linked with the computer, a man would undergo all experiences in the space.

一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入Cyberspace, 就可以体验在该空间的一切遭遇。

3. A larger computer storage area, usually used for virtual storage addressing.


4. A short computer program that is permanently resident or easily loaded into a computer, whose execution brings another, larger program, such as an operating system or its loader, into memory.


5. A low-speed input device that converts graphic and pictorial data into binary, numeric inputs for a digital computer.


6. A unit, usually computer controlled, which performs electronic tests on printed circuit boards.


7. An operation technique in which there are no stops between the assembling, loading and execution of a computer program.


8. Computer output with no mathematical or logical significance.


9. A computer larger than a minicomputer that can handle more users and large programs.


10. A computer operation, similar to switching, where a selection is made between two or more possible courses of action depending upon some related fact or condition.


11. A computer word that specifies to extract some parts of another computer word.


12. A modification of common language suitable for automatic translation by the equipment into machine or computer usable language.


13. A term applied to a computer system, spaces, or operating procedures when considering the protection of data from corruption or unauthorized access.


14. Prepare diskettes for use on the Victor computer.


15. The process of planning, writing, testing, and correcting the steps required for a computer to solve a problem or perform an operation.


16. He is shopping around for a new computer.


17. Should every government agency have access to the computer files of every other government agency?


18. A computer system is composed of software and hardware in the light of its working mode.


19. He doesn't know how to use the computer.


20. They kept badgering him to get a home computer.


21. He cites as an example the teaching of the laws of motion in physics, which he says are accessible at an early age when a computer is used to assist in the instruction.


22. His latest toy is a personal computer.


23. You can plug into the national computer network.


24. Do you ever use a computer? No, I never use a computer.


25. Does your computer have a modem?


26. The steps necessary to place a computer in fully operational status; it, typically, consists of loading the operating system.


27. It is formerly easier that help editorial and the publishing Chinese ancient books depending on the computer technology.


28. Pertaining to a degree of standardization of computer system components to allow for combinations and large variety of compatible units.


29. All of the information is accidentally wiped off the computer so we cannot retrieve our sale figures for the last month.


30. The clerks figures up the sum on a computer.


31. All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the computer can print them out easily.


32. The difficult part is learning the new computer codes after that it's all downhill.


33. The terminal is off line while repairs are being made to the central computer.


34. In Chinese, a computer is popularly known as an "electrical brain", for the working process of a computer is similar to a human brain very much.


35. I want to open this morning's talk by asking if you are interested in our electronic computer.


36. A computer of intermediate size and computing power, between a minicomputer and mainframe.


37. In data security, an attack on the security of a computer system, undertaken to test the effectiveness of the security and to highlight any areas of weakness.


38. A measure of the amount of work performed by a computer system over a given period of time, for example, number of jobs per day.


39. In computer graphics, indicating in a display space the location at which a specified display group is to be place.


40. In computer graphics, turning all or part of a display image180 degrees about an axis in the plane of the display surface.


41. In computer graphics, emphasizing a given display group by changing the attitudes of all the other display groups in the same display field.


42. In computer and data security, the person who attempts to overcome the computer or data security measures.


43. In computer graphics, to enlarge or reduce all or part of a display image by multiplying their coordinate by constant values.


44. In computer graphics, the simple function for drawing on the screen. Typical primitives are rectangle, line, polygon, etc.


45. In computer graphics, the display at some point on the display space of the display elements whose coordinates lie outside of the display space.


46. In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space.


47. In computer graphics, to suppress the display of all or part of a display image.


48. In computer security, an attempt to gain access to a system by posing as an authorized user.


49. In the execution of a computer program, to select one from a number of alternative sets of instructions.


50. In computer programming, to execute a call.


51. In computer programming, section of a COBOL program that represents a logical processing entity.


52. In computer programming, a combined database management, spreadsheet and graphics package.


53. In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location.


54. In computer programming, to resolve a string of characters, representing for example a program statement, into its elemental parts as defined by(say) the programming language.


55. In computer programming, to copy from locations in main storage into locations in the same main storage.


56. In computer graphics, a hand-held locator operated by moving it on a flat surface.A mouse generally contains a control ball or a pair of wheels.


57. One of the difficulties of researchers in a fast-moving area like computer science is keeping abreast of current developments.


58. Most programs are fairly rigid--they tell the computer exactly what to do, step by step.


59. She is attending evening classes in computer studies.


60. His daughter kept on at him to buy her a personal computer.


61. Her talk ran on developments in computer software.


62. Insert a diskette into one of your computer's disk drive, as describe on page1.


63. The data stored in a computer can be protected.


64. The children are wild about the new computer.


65. Its performance depends on the facts and the rules that are fed into the computer.


66. Computer, radio, and other complex systems which are to be installed on ships, planes, or motor vehicles.


67. A computer program that effects some final computation or organization.


68. The study of computer controlled robots.


69. The detection and recording of the sequencing of instructions in computer programs, for example, as used in monitors and debugging routines.


70. Some day perhaps, there will be factories with all machines operated automatically by a central computer.


71. As the word and letters are entered, they are displayed in the CRT screen and stored in main memory of the personal computer.


72. After the text material has been created on the personal computer CRT screen, it can be printed or stored in the auxiliary storage for the future reference.


73. How people design computer games is beyond me.


74. I'm unfamiliar with this type of computer.


75. Born in Beijing in1966, I graduated from QingHua University majoring in Computer Science in1988.


76. I thought ten to one the computer couldn't solve such a complicated problem like this, but it did.


77. New satellites can be launched for use in navigation, weather forecasting, broadcasting, and computer technology.


78. We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.


79. We should be watchful of computer viruses.


80. How can we protect our computer files?
