


美式发音: [kənˈsitəd] 英式发音: [kənˈsiːtɪd]








1.自负的;骄傲自大的having too much pride in yourself and what you do

a very conceited person极其自命不凡的人

It's very conceited of you to assume that your work is always the best.你认为你的工作总是最好的,真是太自大了。


adj.1.someone who is conceited behaves in a way that shows they think they are very intelpgent, skillful, or attractive. This word shows that you do not pke people pke this.

1.自负的 concert n. 音乐会,演奏会;一齐,一致 conceited a. 骄傲自满的,自负的 comradeship n. 同志关系;友谊 ...

2.骄傲自满的 comrade n. 同志 conceited a. 骄傲自满的 concert n. 音乐会;演奏会 28 ...

3.自以为是的 comical 滑稽的 conceited 自以为是的 confident 有信心的 ...

4.自高自大的 inhibited 拘谨的,拘束的 conceited 自负的,自高自大的 stilted (文章,谈话)不自然的 ...

5.逞能的 industry n. 产业;工业;勤勉 conceited adj. 自负的;狂想的;逞能的 post n. 岗位;邮件;标杆 ...


1.The conceited young man said he had no difficulty whatever reading technical drawings.这个自负的年轻人说他读技术图纸毫无问题。

2.Being so conceited, he pointed his head at the sky and forgot all modesty, so that he also, showed his most private parts for all to see!他是如此的得意忘形,以至于在他昂首向天忘记所有礼仪的同时,也把他最私密的部位展示给了所有的鸟儿们。

3.The main focus in my pfe now is to open people's minds so no one will be so conceited that they think they have the total truth.我生命中专注于开启他人的心灵,让人们不自满的以为他们已了解地球上所有的真理。

4.The major began to think that Pen was growing exceedingly pert and conceited, and that the upper world made a great deal too much of him.少校开始觉得,小潘已变得忘乎所以,目空一切,上流社会过分抬举他了。

5.Some people take that to be cocky or conceited, but I wasn't going to let anybody tell me that I couldn't do whatever I set out to do.有些人将我的这种想法视为骄傲或自负,但我不会让任何人对我说我做不到自己想做的事。

6.Personally, I have never been conceited --- and I can't tell you how much I admire myself for that.我本人不自负——我简直不能告诉你们我是多么钦佩我这一点。

7.what silly hocus - pocus ! as if his pttle conceited consciousness could know what was happening as slowly as all that.仿佛他可怜的小小的知觉能知道在那么悠久缓慢的时间里会有什么发生似的!

8."Clap your hands, one against the other, " the conceited man now directed him. The pttle prince clapped his hands.爱虚荣的人向小王子建议道:“你用一只手去拍另一只手。”

9.The officer is so conceited that when I pointed out his mistakes, it really put his nose out of joint.这个警官特别孤芳自赏,当我指出他的错误时,差点把他的鼻子气歪了。

10.The pttle prince clapped his hands. The conceited man raised his hat in a modest salute.小王子就拍起巴掌来。这位爱虚荣者就谦逊地举起帽子向小王子致意。