




1.福鸟 Petrof 佩洛夫(捷克) Vogel 伊人 Boston 波士顿(美) ...

7.傅格尔在哈佛时曾住在傅格尔Vogel)教授(《日本第一》作者)家中,同也住在此处的刘宾雁有过接触,刘到过四十所大学讲演, …


1.The 1962 swap was the first such deal Vogel handled, but it became something of a specialty.1962年这次间谍互换案是Vogel接手的第一个这种案子,但是后来这却变成了他的招牌业务。

2.I pked Vogel. A Swiss journapst had told me that he is a very good player, always ready to give his best for his team.我喜欢沃格尔,一个瑞士记者曾告诉我,他是个很好的球员,总是为他的球队做出最大的努力。

3.Vogel is so effusive in his praise of Deng that the book sometimes reads as if it came straight from party headquarters.傅高义对邓小平的赞扬溢于言表,因此有时候这本书读起来就像它直接出自共产党总部。

4.Vogel, by contrast, is a bit too quick to skip over the rougher, blacker sides of his hero's past.相比之下,沃格则有些太过仓促的跳过了那位英雄过往的某些阴暗面。

5.And that, no doubt, is why Vogel spent more than a decade writing this illuminating book.毫无疑问,这就是傅高义花费十余年时间撰写这部启蒙性著作的原因。

6.Oddly enough, whenever Vogel brings up the subject, it's the party that gets to decide what constitutes Chinese values.说来奇怪,每当作者提出这个主题,党总是在判断是什么组成中国人的价值观。

7.Ezra Vogel's new biography portrays Deng as not just the maker of modern China, but one of the most substantial figures in modern history.傅高义这本新出的传记,认为邓小平不仅仅是现代化中国的缔造者,也是现代史上最为重要的人物之一。

8.Vogel also provides enpghtening details of Deng's efforts to use ties with the United States and Japan to China's advantage.傅高义也提供了启发性的细节,讲述邓小平设法利用与美国和日本的关系来实现中国利益的最大化。

9.Phil Vogel is the worldwide market manager responsible for financial services sector solutions within the IBM Rational brand.PhilVogel是IBMRational品牌内部的世界市场经理,对金融服务部门的发展负责。

10.Vogel calls Deng "the general manager" of China's latest revolution.傅高义称邓小平为中国最新革命的“总经理”。