



adv. 可想到地, 想象中


"It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."


It is hardly conceivable (to me) that she should do such a thing.


We tried it in every conceivable combination.



动词过去式: conceited | 动词过去分词: conceited | 动词现在分词: conceiting | 动词第三人称单数: conceits |


1. 想得到地

2. 可理解地, 可相信地



动词过去式: conceited | 动词过去分词: conceited | 动词现在分词: conceiting | 动词第三人称单数: conceits |


imaginable | possible | likely | plausible | thinkable | credible | potential | accessible | achievable | believable | feasible |


inconceivable |



apparently  maybe  possibly  perhaps  perchance   conceivablyconceivablyadv.
1.翻译:令人信服地 conceivably
[sentence adverb]it is conceivable or imaginable that
it may conceivably cause liver disease.


副词 conceivably:

within the realm of possibility


1. "There's no one around who could conceivably come in and take over such a commitment.


2. A microwave with a leaky seal or door may conceivably cook adjacent foods, but that would be rare.


3. One possibility nanotubes conceivably could be fashioned into three-dimensional circuits made of hexagonal arrays of carbon atoms.


4. With the triangle providing enough of a framework, Crawford would conceivably tame his wildness and blossom into a dependable, all-star-caliber performer.


5. 4. With the triangle providing enough of a framework, Crawford would conceivably tame his wildness and blossom into a dependable, all-star-caliber performer.


6. Meanwhile, will Russia, having surprised us with 2008’s brief war with Georgia, continue to flex its muscles, conceivably by annexing Crimea?


7. The air force, which had also been furnished to Chiang by the United States and which might conceivably have turned the crossing into a holocaust, seldom appeared to give battle to the Communists.


8. The Kremlin could, conceivably, cover the gap from its own reserves.


9. ad to live the rest of their lives under the stigma that he had recklessly precipitated an action which wrecked the Summit Conference and conceivably could have launched a nuclear war.


10. He may be beset by ethical problems, whether over campaign finance or Whitewater indictments, even conceivably of his wife.


11. He couldn't conceivably have (ie I don't believe he could have) meant what he said


12. A callow stripling of 60 or so may then conceivably be allowed to steer the kingdom faster towards modernity and perhaps even greater justice, equality and choice;


13. s abductor muscle.That injury might conceivably be cured by as little as 10 days'


14. it could conceivably find itself on the receiving end of the next one.


15. A single-user PC and a multiuser server sharing a link would each conceivably receive the same share of bandwidth.


16. a single-user PC and a multiuser server sharing a link would each conceivably receive the same share of bandwidth


17. Some items could conceivably fall into more than one category or may be borderline ISD.


18. Not fraud but conspiracy to commit fraud.However, that would be verydifficult to prove in court.It could conceivably come withinMisfeasance in public office.


19. Niu Shengnan, a Qianxihe spokesman, said the use of growth hormones in pig-rearing was standard in China,eating meat produced this way could conceivably cause competitors to fail anti-doping tests.


20. Cornered in South China, the retreating Nationalist armies might conceivably back into Indo-China and Burma and seek to obtain the aid of France and England and through them the United States.


21. The child might conceivably generate in time a violent antipathy, not only to that particular toy, but to the class of toys resembling it.


22. It could conceivably happen again.


23. Conceivably the mound-building Indians believed their resurrection would coincide with some such liberation, and built their graves in imitation of the low moraines deposited by the departing glaciers.


24. It may conceivably knock the British empire to bits and leave England as primitive as she was when Julius Caesar landed in Kent.

可以想象,这样的战争会使大英帝国土崩瓦解、使英国回到裘力斯 - 凯撒在肯特登陆时那副原始模样去。

25. Now Taiwan has said it intends to take part in oil exploration, Singapore would conceivably be keyed up.


26. 'cause I'm very worried about a country that has... that could conceivably lose confidence in the free enterprise system.


27. Since I feared a new onset of obstinacy which my vanity might conceivably have borne but which would have assuredly proved too much for my purse, I gave my name, asked for the volume to be put aside and left by the stairs.


28. Thus, inhibition of this mechanism could conceivably enhance the effect of norepinephrine.


29. Not only may the rate of interest conceivably be zero; it may conceivably be negative.


30. In all four Western series, there will be at least one team that could conceivably win a title.


31. Large bathrooms will install some higher grades, and area larger fittings, such as massage bathtub, steam bathtub, could conceivably point.


32. The briefs design of the girl always lets a person suddenly tongue, any pants that you think to be less than conceivably, can bold and brave girl tries.


33. She may favour pink skirt-suits over golfing trousers, but in her reluctance to say anything that might conceivably hurt her spouse she is unmistakably a (Denis) Thatcherite.


34. And if the Turks jump in,conceivably Russian nationalists could then openly throw their weight behind the Serbs.


35. If more power is needed, the gasoline engine could conceivably run at its power peak at a very high rpm.


36. If life is an accident, it cannot conceivably have any purpose, for accident and purpose are mutually exclusive.


37. That said, screw gates are advisable on all top and bottom rope belays because the constant movement of the system could conceivably cause the rope to come out of an open gate krab.


38. And soon,it won't just be your PC catching viruses either. Cellphones and other wireless devices with Web access could conceivably catch a virus and broadcast it to other devices within a 10?foot radius.


39. Conceivably, Congress could have denied Mr Paulson the money he needed even if he had been inclined to bail Lehman out.


40. This is probably our favourite pop album of the year so far, and will conceivably hold that title until Girls Aloud unveil their magnum opus later in the summer.

很有可能这是我们今年至今为止最喜欢的流行专辑,并且会令人信服地保持下去,直到夏末Girls Aloud发表她们的巨作为止。

41. conceivably possible


42. A few notes on how a mutually acceptable solution of the structural crisis between the parties on either side of the Strait could conceivably be arrived at.


43. Technical Note: This method isn't 100% foolproof. A spammer could conceivably program his e-mail collector to decode these values, but not likely.


44. Technical Note: This method isn't100% foolproof. A spammer could conceivably program his e-mail collector to decode these values, but not likely.


45. Dynamic seat had come into being as an adjunct to platform motion on aircraft simulators, even could conceivably substitute for platform motion.


46. An abstract class, will contain all of the methods that you could conceivably implement in your connector.


47. Weirder still, a woman could conceivably use sperm made from her bone marrow to inseminate her own eggs.


48. For one thing, Perl knows how to parse Perl programs, and the Perl source code is freely available, so Perl could conceivably be reworked into a Perl beautifier.


49. Such hit-and-run missions conceivably could be done either with machine guns, BARS, or light mortars minus base plates.


50. Owen can then anticipate a minimum of five months on the sidelines but could conceivably be out for significantly longer.


51. Democrats has been in control of the House of Representatives and conceivably, by a whisker, the Senate.


52. With Democrats in control of the House of Representatives and conceivably, by a whisker, the Senate, there could be policy gridlock.


53. Yet, while society might conceivably get along without economists, it would be difficult to imagine a world in which economics did not play a role, even the mythical world of Robinson Crusoe.


54. But there was a space of a couple of seconds during which the expression of his eyes might conceivably have betrayed him


55. The Venusian surface is probably too hot and under too much atmospheric pressure to be habitable, but the planet could conceivably support microbial life high in its atmosphere.


56. From a lesser position in the government or the party, Mr Ozawa might conceivably wield greater clout than the gentle Mr Okada.


57. Cohen could conceivably jump back into the market quickly.


58. The defaults are reasonable to the point where you could conceivably click-through every screen and still end up with a fully functional installation.


59. After more than a decade in the works, a currency-swap scheme among Asian central banks is beginning to look like a facility that might conceivably be used.


60. for an offence which I had not at all entred into a discussion of in my thoughts, any farther than my passions were at first fir'd by the horror I conceiv'd at the natural custom of that people of the country,


61. Conceivably, he is telling the truth for once.


62. Weak AGNs could conceivably be produced by extreme stellar activity rather than a supermassive hole.


63. Labels that are too specific could also invade the privacy interests of communities (or even, conceivably, of individual sample donors).


64. Those individual struggles could conceivably turn into urban protests, echoing reports of a slew of other protests in the country within the past year.


65. Defects in any number of them could conceivably result in some symptoms of autism.


66. " These quantifiers are replaced by an extremely vague "national emergency type situation" that "might conceivably" interfere with the workings of the national power structure.


67. These gas plumes could conceivably have been liberated by mud volcanoes, were the initially warm mud to contain methane-producing microbes drifting in a previously unobservable underground lake.


68. Conceivably it was a bureaucratic snafu.


69. This geometrical form suggests that the city is a purely artificial construction which might conceivably be taken apart and put together again


70. The disease could conceivably be transferred to humans.


71. quot;There's no one around who could conceivably come in and take over such a commitment.


72. Other minor issues include a lack of a microphone and physical mouse pointer, though you could quite conceivably get along just fine without ‘em.


73. (Conceivably, EPA could find that the evidence of risk was just strong enough to justify cancellation proceedings but that the danger was not quite immediate enough to justify suspension.)
