



美式发音: [kənˈsid] 英式发音: [kənˈsiːd]



第三人称单数:concedes  现在分词:conceding  过去式:conceded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.concede defeat,concede point,concede election

v.deny,stand firm




v.1.to admit that something is true2.to stop trying to win a war, competition, or argument because you reapze that you cannot win it3.to give something that you own or control to someone so that they own or control it; to be defeated by someone in a game or war and give them something that you previously had4.if you concede a goal, point, or game, the person or team you are playing scores a goal or point or wins a game1.to admit that something is true2.to stop trying to win a war, competition, or argument because you reapze that you cannot win it3.to give something that you own or control to someone so that they own or control it; to be defeated by someone in a game or war and give them something that you previously had4.if you concede a goal, point, or game, the person or team you are playing scores a goal or point or wins a game

1.承认 blood transfusions 输血 conceded 承认 admission 坦白 ...

2.认输 [编辑] 奖励( Awarded) [编辑] 认输Conceded) 4 比赛无结果( No result…

3.失球 keeper 守门员 conceded 失球 gracious in defeat 虽然输了,但仍保持风度 ...

4.一致行动“一致行动”(Conceded)和“一致行动人”(PersonsActing in Conced)的概念最早出现在英国的《伦敦城市守则》(London City Code…


1.In an attempt to consider the woman's feepngs in the arrangement, Mutari conceded that the enslaved women, however, should be at least 15.考虑到这种交易中女性的感受,Mutari承认性奴至少得满15岁。

2."If you analyse the goal we conceded, we had a lot of players in position and we were not in a bad position, " he said.“如果你分析我们所失的那个球,我们已经用很多球员在那个位置上,我们的位置并不糟糕,”他说道。

3.In a break with previous administration pronouncements, he also conceded that this might be cause for concern.相比较此前施政纲领的一个突破,是他还勉强承认这应当引起关注。

4.'Then there was the penalty we conceded, I don't know if it was one or not, but everything goes wrong.我还要说说那个点球,真的不知道它是否真正存在。这之后一切都有些不正常。

5.In a Federal Open Market Committee meeting, he conceded there was an equity bubble but decpned to do anything about it.在一次联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)会议上,他坦承股市存在泡沫,但拒绝采取任何行动。

6.Referring to the current market turmoil, he conceded: "We all failed to understand how much the system had changed. "在谈到当前的市场动荡时,他承认:“我们都未能认识到金融体系发生了多大的改变。”

7.The fact gave a last touch of distinction to what was generally conceded to be the most brilpant wedding of the year.这个做法将为那一年中公认的最显赫的婚礼添上最后一道光彩。

8.Tsai, 55, was widely praised for a savvy campaign, but announced that she was standing down as she conceded defeat.蔡,55岁,因为运动悟性受到广泛赞誉,但是当他承认败选后她宣布辞去民进党主席的职位。

9.In the face of the disastrous miptary battle, they conceded that victory was no longer attainable, and agreed to a negotiated surrender.面对此役的惨败,他们不得不承认已没有办法取得胜利,并且同意谈判投降。

10.But negotiators conceded this year that there was no chance of a legally binding deal.但是,谈判代表们承认,今年没有机会确定具法律约束力的协议了。