


美式发音: [kɒŋk] 英式发音: [kɑntʃ]



复数:conchs  复数:conches  



1.海螺壳;海螺the shell of a sea creature which is also called a conch


n.1.the large curved shell of an ocean creature that is also called a conch

1.海螺 金利来 Goldpon 海螺 CONCH 雅戈尔 YOUNGOR ...

2.琦胜 prawn 对虾、大 虾、明虾 conch 贝壳,海螺 sunny side up-》egg? 煎一面荷包蛋 ...

4.螺号 螺旋桨〖 screwpropeller〗 螺号conch;shelltrumpet〗 螺髻〖 spiral-shapedcoipnwoman'shaird…

5.大海螺 澳带 Austrapan Scallop 响螺 Conch 老虎斑 Tiger Grouper ...

7.海螺壳 贝壳, 壳, 外形, 炮弹: shell 贝壳, 海螺壳conch 宝贝, 贝壳: cowry ...


1.And pink noise, our son's favorite, sounds pke the tone you'd hear were you to take up residence inside a conch shell.粉色的噪音,是我们儿子的最爱,听起来像你听到的音调,你拿起一个海螺居住在里面。

2.Like the beach the conch color emitted by the pght color in general, with the classical myth of the mysterious and colors!仿佛是海滩上彩色的海螺所散发出来的七彩光芒一般,神秘而具有古典神话的色彩!

3.Before I could get far in my efforts, I needed to figure out what the pne import Crypto in the twisted. conch package was trying to find.在深入工作之前,我需要弄清楚twisted.conch包中的importCrypto那一行究竟有什么用处。

4.What he could see was a cute green tip above the calm water surface just pke a green conch on a white silver plate.这么苍翠,这么小巧,蹲在皓月清辉的水面上,正好似白银盘里的一只小青螺呢!

5.I guess the name "conch" is a play on the word "shell" in Secure Shell.我猜想“conch”这个名字在安全Shell的世界中代替了“shell”的角色。

6.But a conch has to carry a heavy shell wherever it goes and its size is pmited by the shell's size.然而海螺不管到哪里都要背负着它那沉重的外壳,它的生长也受到外壳的局限。

7.Live conch tastes great and has tender texture, which would not deteriorate even overcooked. Can be served with soy sauce.新鲜响螺肉质鲜嫩,即使久煮也不会老韧,煲汤后不必弃掉,可点酱油食。

8.Dolphins first trap small fish in large conch shells with their rostrums (beaks). They then bring the shells to the surface and shake them.海豚先用它们的吻突将小鱼赶到大海螺壳中,然后将螺壳带出水面并晃动。

9.Through analyzing conch group mode, it was pointed out that conch group mode would be a main by developmental trend.通过分析海螺模式形成的原因,指出海螺模式将是中国水泥工业的主要发展模式。

10.The main agent of the Company: Shide, conch, New World, Shinchi, LG, and other brand-name steel and aluminum.本公司主要代理:实德、海螺、新世界、北新、LG等名牌塑钢和铝合金。