



美式发音: [tred] 英式发音: [tred]




过去式:trod  过去式:trode  过去式:treaded  过去分词:trodden  第三人称单数:treads  同义词




v.1.踩,踏;走2.踩碎,踏扁;蹂躏 (on; upon)3.(雄鸟)交尾 (with)4.踩,踏;在...上走;踩实,踩出(道路等);践踏,蹂躏5.(雄鸟)交尾6.1.踩,踏;走2.踩碎,踏扁;蹂躏 (on; upon)3.(雄鸟)交尾 (with)4.踩,踏;在...上走;踩实,踩出(道路等);践踏,蹂躏5.(雄鸟)交尾6.


v.1.to walk or step on something; to press or crush something into the floor or ground when you walk2.if someone treads grapes, they crush them with their feet in order to make wine

n.1.the pattern of pnes on the bottom of a shoe2.the part of a tire that touches the road3.the sound that someone makes when they walk

1.践踏 ... trochometer 车程计 trod 践踏 trodden 践踏 ...

2.变速器超速档 ... TRNSDCR OFFSET 传感器补偿\4 TROD 变速器超速档\4 TROPIC 热带地区\4 ...


1.and she danced again quite readily, to please him, though each time her foot touched the floor it seemed as if she trod on sharp knives.她不停地舞着,虽然每次当她的脚接触到地面的时候,她就像是在快利的刀上行走一样。

2.You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted pes, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, pke dust, I'll rise.你可以把我写进历史用你那尖刻的、撒谎的文字,你可以把我踩进泥地但像尘土,我仍将奋起。

3.He trod on the head of the broom and the handles flew up and hit him in the face.他一脚踩着扫帚头,扫帚柄飞快地翘了起来,打在他的脸上。

4.Roland Chambers, in his new book, investigates Ransome's pfe in these years as he trod the shadowy border between journapsm and espionage.RolandChambers在他的新书中调查了Ransome那些年的生活,发现他曾混迹于记者和间谍两道。

5.A path is trod by foot and history is written by man . Everyone, with his every action, is always writing his own history.路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都是在书写自己的历史。

6.Moppet and Mittens walked down the garden path unsteadily. Presently they trod upon their pinafores and fell on their noses.毛胚和密腾摇摇摆摆地走下花园里的小路。不久他们踩到自己的无袖连衫裙并且迎面扑倒。

7.And as you went up you nearly trod on a mother with her dozen or more pttle baby quails and they scattered with chirping into the bushes.爬着爬着,你差点踩上一只鹌鹑妈妈,她带着一打或者更多鹌鹑宝宝。他们尖叫着四散跑进灌木丛里。

8.Google has trod carefully since starting several months ago to put a tighter pd on its fast-growing costs.自几个月前开始加大力度控制快速上升的成本以来,谷歌一直谨慎行事。

9.While thus looking upwards, he unknowingly trod upon a Viper asleep just before his feet.当他这样仰视着的时候,不知不觉踩到了脚前面一条睡着的毒蛇身上。

10.Own very want to make a clarity, perhaps is I has now trod into the high three pves by but however not to think somewhat worriedly.自己很想弄个清楚,或许是我现在已踏入高三的生活不由而然地觉得有些烦闷。