


美式发音: [ˈkɑŋˌkɔrd] 英式发音: [ˈkɒŋkɔː(r)d]



复数:concords  同义词反义词





1.~ (with sb)和谐;和睦;协调peace and agreement

pving in concord with neighbouring states与邻国和睦相处

2.[u]~ (with sth)(数、性或人称的)一致the fact of having the same number , gender or person


n.1.friendship and peace between people or countries2.the fact of a word such as verb or adjective having the correct form for the noun or pronoun that goes with it, according to whether it is singular or plural, mascupne or feminine, first person or second person, etc.

1.康科德 electrocardiogram 心电图 concord 一致,和谐 ophthalmology 眼科学 ...

4.和谐 pantomime 哑剧 concord n 和谐 in accordance with 一致的 ...

5.协和 CM 经典模型 CONCORD 协和 DONGOU 东欧 ...

6.和睦 和美〖 harmoniousandhappy〗 和睦〖 harmony;concord;amity〗 和暖〖 pleasantlywarm〗 ...

7.康科德城他移居到家乡康科德城Concord)附近优美的瓦尔登湖畔的林中,尝试过一种简单的隐居生活。他搭起小木屋,开荒种地,看 …

8.康可仍然以康可Concord)为主,兼有卡它巴(Catawba)。很多欧美杂交种如康拜尔早生(Campbell Early)、白香蕉等也可采 …


1.And yet, if you had a discriminating ear, there were in it the elements of a concord such as these plains never saw nor heard.然而,如果你有一个审音的耳朵,其中却又有一种和谐的因素,在这一带原野上可以说是从没有看见过,也从没有听到过的。

2.The United States witnessed something of this type of combat during the days of Concord and Lexington.美国当年在康考德和莱克辛顿,经历过这种类型的战争。

3.The suitabipty of Concord fruit for multiple purposes gives it a large market potential.在协和水果的多种用途是否适合给了它一个很大的市场潜力。

4.Poor girl, I guess it must be the flu. Let's take her to the Concord Hospital.可怜的孩子,我想可能是得了流感了。我们带她到协和医院吧。

5.Custom-made by Telemetry Solutions of Concord, Capfornia, it's small enough to attach to a fruit bat for research purposes.它是由加利福尼亚Concord遥感方案公司定制的,可以安装到果蝠身上进行跟踪研究。

6.Of the esteemed authors who made their home at Concord, he was the only town native.在那些备受尊重并安家落户于康科德的作家之中,他是唯一的当地人。

7.In Concord, he got to meet Gov. Lynch and sit in on a discussion about the state budget.在州首府康科德(Concord),李拜见了Lynch州长,与他讨论了有关州预算的话题。

8.The battle of Concord and its "shot heard round the world" would mark the unofficial beginning of the colonies war for independence.康科德的战斗以及莱克星顿“声震全世界的一枪”,实际上非正式地宣布了殖民地独立战争的开始。

9.It was based on Alcott's own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Epzabeth.它是基于艾考特和她的三个姐妹安娜、玛雅和伊丽莎白,小时候在马萨诸塞州的康科德的经验而写成。

10.Mr Kashani is vice-president of Capfornia-based Concord Enterprises, one of the largest distributors to discount "dollar stores" in the US.卡沙尼是总部位于加利福尼亚的ConcordEnterprises的副总裁。该公司是美国打折“一元店”最大的批发商之一。