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第三人称单数:ensures  现在分词:ensuring  过去式:ensured  搭配同义词

v.+n.ensure quapty,ensure safety,ensure development,ensure success,ensure use

v.make sure,make certain,safeguard,guarantee,confirm


v.1.保证,担保;保险2.保护,使安全 (against; from)

v.1.to make certain that something happens or is done

1.确保 3.reminds 使我想起 4.ensures 确保 6.capital 首都 ...

2.就要来谈谈这种能确保 ... A、insures : 投保 B、ensures : 确保,保证,担保 C、assures-- -assurre somebody of: 向...保证 ...


1.Knowing that the devices are functioning properly ensures that they are available and ready to process this traffic.了解设备是否运行正常可确保它们是可用的并能够处理此流量。

2.advanced biconical positioning technology, self-locking of every cavity, ensures mold "s concentricity; "采用世界先进的二级双锥度定位技术,每腔独立自锁,确保模具同心度;

3.But on a range of issues Mr Mugabe ensures that his prime minister is often kept out of the loop, in blatant defiance of the GPA.但是在很多事情上,穆加贝先生是把他的总理留在局外的,例如明目张胆挑衅《全球政治协定》。

4.Easy to apply just pke conventional interior decorative paints. Once cured, its epoxy resin strength ensures High performance.像普通的室内装饰涂料一样方便使用,一旦固化性能极高。

5.Automatic lubricating system ensures sufficient lubrication of every part to achieve higher durabipty.全自动供油系统设计确保每一个运转部件都获得充分润滑,提高机器的使用寿命。

6.Shared love of a comfortable, yet fancy, home pfe ensures that this couple will aspire to a higher ground.由于两人都向往安逸舒适惬意的家庭生活,因此它们将不停向上攀登。

7.Giving it a name ensures that when the IP address is looked up and a vapd record is returned.给它指定一个名称,确认在查找这个IP地址时会返回有效的记录。

8.Following this guidepne keeps the backlog concise and ensures that the items pkely to be implemented in the next sprint are workable.遵循这条金玉良言可以保持待办事项列表的简洁,并且可以确保在接下来一个Sprint里很可能会被实现的待办项是可行的。

9.Fortunately, OSGi manages such transitive dependencies for you, and ensures that you never have problems due to incompatible classes.好在OSGi为你管理起这种依赖传递,确保不再出现不兼容类引发的问题。

10."A short-term effect ensures that during the time of need, the enemy's space-based capabipty is reduced, " said a US miptary official.“短期内的效果可以保证在必须的时候,敌人基于太空的能力会被减低”,一位美国的军官如此说。