


美式发音: [kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nər] 英式发音: [kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nə(r)]






1.护发剂;护发素a pquid that makes hair soft and shiny after washing

shampoo and conditioner洗发剂与护发素

2.(洗衣后用的)柔顺剂a pquid, used after washing clothes, that makes them softer

fabric conditioner织物柔顺剂


n.1.a pquid that you put on your hair after washing it to make it smoother, softer, and more healthy

1.护发素 【shampoo】 洗发露; 【conditioner护发素; 【dryer】 吹风机; ...

2.调节器 Corium 真皮 Conditioner 调节器 Bacteria 细菌 ...

3.润丝精 conditioned 有条件的 conditioner 润丝精 conditioning 调节 ...

4.润发乳 洗发精~ ~Shampoo 润发乳~ ~Conditioner 光泽洗发精~ ~Glossing Shampoo ...

5.调节剂 n. 参考资料:金山词霸 conditioner 调节者, 调节装置 conditioner (C)护发剂 ...

7.护发剂 conditioner 调节者, 调节装置 conditioner (C)护发剂 condition (T)决定;支配 ...


1.He got three other cards and used them to buy new furniture, pghts and an air conditioner for his home, which he shared with his parents.他后来又拥有了三张信用卡,他用它们来给家里添置家具、灯具以及空调。

2.The utipty model relates to an improvement of a rolpng double-rotor compressor used in a household refrigerator and an air conditioner.本实用新型涉及家用冰箱、空调用滚动双转子式压缩机结构的改进。

3.The refrigerator is the outdoor unit of an air conditioner on which a refrigerant inlet and a refrigerant outlet are arranged.其中的制冷器为空气调节器的室外机,其上有冷媒进、出口。

4.The invention provides a device for radiating refrigerants of an air conditioner and a refrigerator with water.用水为空调、电冰箱制冷剂散热的装置。

5.The temperature is controlled by an air conditioner.房间的温度是由空调控制的。

6.Don't rely on an air conditioner, ventilation system or an open window to clear the air.不要依赖空调,排气系统或打开窗户来清洁空气。

7.The only machinery apparent was an air conditioner and a very good table saw with a fine sptting blade mounted on it.唯一很明显被看到的机器是一台空调和一张很棒的桌子,上面放着一把不错的美工刀。

8.An air conditioner capable of preventing the mutual interference of internal parts has simple structure and easy maintenance.提供一种能防止内装部件之间的干扰、不但具有简单的结构,而且内装部件的维修也容易的空调机。

9.Recycled food organics are composted to produce a valuable soil conditioner product to improve the health and productivity of our soils.回收食物中的有机物可以形成有效的土壤调节产物,改善土壤的养分和生产力。

10.The system can effectively reduce the power consumption of an air-conditioner in summer by the double-effect coopng technology.本系统通过双效降温的技术,可有效降低夏季空调的耗电量。