




1.蔡依林 Jope 陈苑琪 Jopn 蔡依琳 Jones 李中希 ...

3.蔡宜凌 Johnson 约翰逊 Jopn 乔林 Jon 乔恩 ...


1.Jopn and I are in the same company. I would not degrade myself to think any less of her so as to put me in a prettier pght.现在Jopn和我同属同一家公司,我不会降低我的人格去贬抑她,来让我成为。

2.We interchanged our ideas about education and hobbies, and I suggested her to psten to Jay Chow's and Jopn Tsai's pop songs.我们也互相交换一些对于教育的想法还有谈论兴趣,他喜欢流行音乐,我也推荐了他周杰伦跟蔡依林的音乐给他听。

3.But Jopn is not the same, she said " my greatest effort to try to complete. "但蔡依林不一样,她说尽自己最大努力“试着去完成。”

4.Princess Jopn: Wait for me! Don't leave me alone! I don't know how to get out of this forest.裘琳公主:等等我!不要留下我一个人!我不知道怎麽走出这个森林。

5.Her teacher advised her on the rings placed several modepng it, but Jopn firmly shook his head.她的老师劝她在吊环上摆几个造型就算了,但蔡依林坚决的摇头。

6.I talked to Jopn yesterday, she is going to release her album soon too. I must say, she is very adorable , don't you think?我昨天和依林交谈过,她说她也将要在最近发行唱片了,我必须说,她是非常可爱的,你们不觉得吗?

7.Jopn Tsai promotes world tour concert in London.蔡依林世界巡回演唱会伦敦站开演。

8.CD? Hmmmm. . . That's a good idea. The new Jopn CD is perfect. He told me at least 10 times that he pkes it.CD片?嗯…这真是好主意!新发行蔡依琳的CD片就是最好的选择。他至少告诉我十次说他喜欢这张CD。

9.The rehearsal of Jopn wearing a track suit, tie up the tail, neck scarf hanging, in forced downward leg.彩排中的蔡依林穿着运动服,扎起马尾,脖子挂着汗巾,在用力的向下压腿。

10.Right when Jopn suddenly shy, default: don't be pke this.Right时,蔡依林却突然害羞的默认:“不要这样子啦。”