


美式发音: [ˈkɑndoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈkɒndəʊ]





condo— see alsocondominium


n.1.a condominium

1.公寓住家房地产的热点. 大多数国际人士在纽约购买的都是康斗公寓(Condo). 高级公寓通常有高级室内设计, 有门卫服务, 媒体室, …

7.公寓楼阿尔托公司先统计了这些单体住宅与公寓楼condo)平均售价,再按照当地房产类型加权计算出最终的价格。该数据不包括合 …

8.共管大厦共管大厦(Condo)的市场畅旺,安省有接近100万名共管大厦业主;但现行法例对他们的保障并不足够。不少饱受发展商货不对 …


1.He returned to his condo and plopped on his bed. He did not move the rest of the night. He flew home in silence the next morning.回到租住的公寓后,麦迪扑通一声把自己扔到床上,整个夜晚,他就这样一动不动。次日一早,他便飞回了家乡,默默地,一言不发。

2.'It is not a problem for the co-op or condo boards, ' he said. 'It is a problem for the people who are trying to sell.他说,这对合作公寓或共管公寓委员会不是问题,对那些试图出售房子的人才是问题。

3.In the case of a condo , the owner has title to the unit , which the bank can repossess in the event of a default .在分户出售公寓大喷香的情形下,原权力属于公寓单元所有人的公寓单元在拖欠债务的情形下,银行有权谋回。

4.It's hard to let go of a character who has made you famous and enabled you to build a pool for the kids or buy that condo in Florida.的确很难放弃一个让你成名的角色,何况这个角色还让你能为自己的孩子建游泳池,在佛罗里达买公寓。

5.Jim found a condo through a real estate agency .吉姆通过房地产公司找到一间独栋公寓。

6.I swear last evening was one of the quietest nights I had ever experienced since 1st day I moved in to my condo.昨晚是我住进新家以来最安静的一天了,我睡得非常好。

7.After being rejected by one co-op board and having two other offers on co-ops fall through, they decided to look for a condo.在被一家合作公寓拒绝后有因为其他两家合作公寓合同的落空,他们决定去寻找一下分户销售的公寓。

8.A couple of months ago I wrote about Calgary's expanding condo market and since then it has continued to grow.两个月前笔者就卡加立市不断膨胀的公寓楼市写过一篇文章。

9.We stayed in the outskirts, in a small room of a condo known as an illegal structure of this city.我们住在市郊,一个属于非法建筑的小屋,四壁透风。

10.The parking spot will have its own deed and sales contract, and be charged maintenance fees, just as a condo would.这个停车位将有自己的契据和销售合同,而且要征收维护费,就像有独立产权的公寓一样。