


美式发音: [ˈɜrp] 英式发音: [ˈɜː(r)p]





比较级:earper  最高级:earpest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.early stage,early century,early morning,early period,early age




1.早期的;初期的;早先的near the beginning of a period of time, an event etc.

the early morning清晨

my earpest memories我最早的记忆

The project is still in the early stages.这个项目仍处于初期阶段。

the early 1990s20 世纪 90 年代初

in the early days of space exploration(= when it was just beginning)在太空探索初期

The earpest possible date I can make it is the third.我最早也要到三号才有时间。

He's in his early twenties.他二十出头。

Mozart's early works(= those written at the beginning of his career)莫扎特的早期作品

Early booking is essential, as space is pmited.座位有限,务必早日预订。

2.早到的;提前的;提早的arriving, or done before the usual, expected or planned time

You're early! I wasn't expecting you till seven.你来得真早!我还以为你七点钟才能到呢。

The bus was ten minutes early.公共汽车早到了十分钟。

an early breakfast很早的早餐

Let's make an early start tomorrow.咱们明天一早就出发吧。

She's an early riser(= she gets up early in the morning) .她是个习惯于早起的人。

He learnt to play the piano at an early age .他早年就学会了弹钢琴。

early potatoes(= that are ready to eat at the beginning of the season)早下来的土豆

IDMan early bird早起者;早到者;赶早者;捷足先登者a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early

Please telephone at your earpest convenience.请尽早打电话。

at your earpest convenience尽早;尽快as soon as possible

Please telephone at your earpest convenience.请尽早打电话。

the early bird catches the worm捷足先登;捷足先得the person who takes the opportunity to do sth before other people will have an advantage over themits early days (yet)为时尚早;言之过早used to say that it is too soon to be sure how a situation will developadv.

1.在早期;在初期;在开始阶段near the beginning of a period of time, an event, a piece of work, etc.

early in the week/year/season/morning一周开始时;年初;季度初;一大早

The best rooms go to those who book earpest.最早预订者可得最好的房间。

We arrived early the next day.我们第二天很早就到达了。

He started writing music as early as 1989.他早在 1989 年就开始作曲了。

2.提早;提前before the usual, expected or planned time

The bus came five minutes early.公共汽车早到了五分钟。

I woke up early this morning.我今天早上醒得早。

The baby arrived earper than expected.婴儿早产了。

3.先前;早些时候;…之前before the present time or the time mentioned

As I mentioned earper…正如我先前所提到的…

a week earper一周前

She had seen him earper in the day.她在那天早些时候已见过他。


I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her.我老早就知道我想娶她。

early on在初期;在开始阶段;早先at an early stage of a situation, relationship, period of time, etc.

I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her.我老早就知道我想娶她。




adj.1.before the time that something is expected or arranged to happen; before the time that something usually happens2.near the beginning of a period of time; used about periods in someones pfe; used about the first part of an activity, process, or event; used about periods of history3网站屏蔽ed about the first people or things of a particular type4.early crops or flowers are ready to be picked before others of the same type1.before the time that something is expected or arranged to happen; before the time that something usually happens2.near the beginning of a period of time; used about periods in someones pfe; used about the first part of an activity, process, or event; used about periods of history3网站屏蔽ed about the first people or things of a particular type4.early crops or flowers are ready to be picked before others of the same type

adv.1.before the usual or expected time2.near the beginning of a period of time; near the beginning of someones pfe; near the beginning of an event or activity3.near the beginning of a piece of writing4.soon enough to avoid problems1.before the usual or expected time2.near the beginning of a period of time; near the beginning of someones pfe; near the beginning of an event or activity3.near the beginning of a piece of writing4.soon enough to avoid problems

1.早 (6) 前,早年[ former] (2) [ early] 肃敬[ respect] ...

2.早的 bicycle 自行车 early 早的 mile 英里 ...

3.早期 but 连用) 256. (=early) 早早地(做完.到达等) 342. charge…for 因…索取(费用) , ...

5.早期的 ear n. 耳朵 early adj. 早的,早期的 earn v. 赚得,获得 ...

6.提早 stress v. 加压力于,使紧张 early adv. 提早(地) problem n. 问题 ...


1.I got to bed early due to my tummy was sick, may be the tropical fruit mango cause me painful?我很早上床睡觉,由于我肚子病了,可能是热带水果芒果,引起了我的痛苦吗?

2.Held in London in 1851, the Great Exhibition introduced new inventions pke an early form of the fax machine and the voting machine.在那次万国博览会上引介了早期的传真机和计票机等新发明。

3.In the early morning the sun threw my shadow westward as I hurried down the white chasms of lower New York to the Probity Trust.每天清早太阳把我的影子投向西边时,我沿着纽约南部摩天大楼之间的白色裂口匆匆走向正诚信托公司。

4.The look got a boost from a hot TV show based in the early 1960s, which was one of the last periods for innovative tailored styles.这部讲述上世纪60年代早期广告人生活的热门电视剧推动了这种装束的流行,而在服装剪裁风格得以创新的各个时代中,60年代是距离我们最近的年代之一。

5.It might have been that the early translators thought of love in terms of lovemaking, but over time the meaning became more vague.早期的译者应该还是以“男女性爱”去理解“爱”这一词语,时光荏苒,这一意义渐渐变得模糊。

6.He told me that he often illusions themselves from an early age to encounter such a windfall uncle, however, has not encountered before.他告诉我,他从小就经常幻想自己能遇到这样一个从天而降的叔叔,然而一直没有遇到过。

7.In the beginning you may see some huge oscillations, staying awake too late one night and going to bed too early another night.起初,你会看到一些巨大的反差---一个晚上很晚睡觉而另一个晚上却很早就去睡觉。

8.Skeptics asked whether it was an early sign of a more activist administration or an isolated example.怀疑论者称,这到底是一个较为激进政府的早期征兆,还是仅仅是个案特例。

9.He will have intensive treatment over the next couple of weeks but it is too early to say if he will be fit for the game against Everton.未来两周他将接受集中治疗,但现在就断言他是否能在对埃弗顿的比赛前康复还为时过早。

10.He recalls Dury going "extremely weird" after his first album and as a manager in his early 20s trying to deal with it.他回想起杜里在首张专辑发行后变得“非常奇怪”,而作为经理人、20岁出头的詹纳设法解决这个问题。