


美式发音: [ˈkɒndən] 英式发音: [ˈkɔndən]





1.康登 查卡 / Chuka 希·康顿 / Condon 从志新 / Cong Zhixin ...

5.深色头发的智者 Conan 睿智 Condon 深色头发的智者 Conner 猎犬爱好者 ...

6.姓氏 canoe n. 独木舟, 轻舟 condon 姓氏 fipng n. 整理成档案, 文件归档,锉 ...

7.康斗皇后区位居五大区之首还要归功于康斗condon)的销售,皇后区康斗销售在第一季度上升53%,其中Long Island City的康斗 …



1.The atmospheric physicist, Dr James. E. McDonald, claimed that the contents of the report failed to support Dr. Condon's conclusions.大气物理学家、詹姆斯.伊.麦克唐博士宣称,该报告的内容并未能支持康登博士的结论。

2."People often do not have the same definition for a particular word or concept, " says Condon.Condon说:“通常情况下,人们对于一个特定的词或内容都不会使用相同的解释。”

3."The remaining China bears must have been steamrollered by yesterday's data, " said Tim Condon, ING's chief Asia economist.ING亚洲首席经济学家TimCondon说,“昨天的数据肯定打击了剩下的那些看空人士。”

4.The Condon Report was reviewed by a special committee of the National Academy of Sciences.Condon报告经过了美国国家科学院的一支特殊委员会的审查。

5.Condon argues that the bad side of town should be a thing of the past.康登表明城镇不利的一面应该成为过去时了。

6.Tim Condon is chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ING.蒂姆·康登是ING投资银行在新加坡办事处的总经济师和亚洲研究部负责人。

7.Condon's research also found that the spike in jellyfishnumbers is also turning the marine food cycle on its head.康登的研究还发现,水母数量的骤增正从源头上破坏海洋食物链。

8.Summit has said that "The Twipght Saga: Breaking Dawn" will be directed by Bill Condon, who made the 2006 musical movie "Dreamgirls" .顶峰娱乐宣称,“破晓”将会由比尔柯登进行拍摄,比尔曾在06年拍摄音乐剧“梦幻女郎”。

9.The show's producers, Laurence Mark and Bill Condon, had promised a different kind of Oscar show, and they kept their word.颁奖礼的制作人——劳伦斯*马克和比尔*康登之前已经承诺将给予观众一个不一样的奥斯卡,他们做到了!

10.In the words of Tim Condon of ING Bank in Singapore, decision-makers "are just staying the course. "用新加坡荷兰商业银行TimCondon的话说,决策者“只是在死守陈规。”