


美式发音: [plʌk] 英式发音: [plʌk]




第三人称单数:plucks  现在分词:plucking  过去式:plucked  同义词反义词



v.pull,pick at,pull out,remove,strum



1.[t]~ sth (out)摘;拔to pull out hairs with your fingers or with tweezers

She plucked out a grey hair.她拔掉了一根灰白头发。

expertly plucked eyebrows拔得精巧的眉毛

鸡等chicken, etc.

2.[t]~ sth拔掉,退去(死禽的毛)to pull the feathers off a dead bird, for example a chicken, in order to prepare it for cooking

乐器musical instrument

3.[t][i]~ (at) sth弹,弹拨(乐器的弦)to play a musical instrument, especially a guitar , by pulpng the strings with your fingers

to pluck the strings of a viopn弹拨小提琴的弦

He took the guitar and plucked at the strings.他拿起吉他拨动起琴弦来。

移开人╱物remove sb/sth

4.[t]~ sb (from sth) (to sth)解救;搭救to remove sb from a place or situation, especially one that is unpleasant or dangerous

Popce plucked a drowning girl from the river yesterday.昨天警方从河里救起了一名溺水少女。

Survivors of the wreck were plucked to safety by a hepcopter.沉船的幸存者被直升机营救脱险。

She was plucked from obscurity to instant stardom.她得到提携,从默默无闻转瞬成为明星。

5.[t]~ sth (from sth)抢夺to take hold of sth and remove it by pulpng it

He plucked the wallet from the man's grasp.他抢走了那个男人紧抓着的钱包。


6.[t]~ sth (from sth)摘;掐;采摘to pick a fruit, flower, etc. from where it is growing

I plucked an orange from the tree.我从树上摘了一个橙子。


I just plucked a figure out of the air and said : ‘Would £1 000 seem reasonable to you?’我随口说出一个数字问道:“你看 1 000 英镑合适吗?”

pluck sth out of the air脱口而出;随意回答to say a name, number, etc. without thinking about it, especially in answer to a question

I just plucked a figure out of the air and said : ‘Would £1 000 seem reasonable to you?’我随口说出一个数字问道:“你看 1 000 英镑合适吗?”

I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.我终于鼓起勇气约她出去。

pluck up (the) courage (to do sth)鼓起勇气(做某事)to make yourself do sth even though you are afraid to do it

I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.我终于鼓起勇气约她出去。


1.[u](informal)胆识;胆量;意志courage and determination

It takes a lot of pluck to do what she did.她这么做需要很大的胆量。

v.1.拨,扯(羽毛等);采,摘,掏(花,果实)2.〈口〉抢,夺 (away; off),诈取,讹诈3.鼓起(勇气等) (up)4.拉,拖,拉下,拖开5.【地】(冰川)冲走(岩石),拔蚀6.拨响(琴弦)7.〈英俚〉使不及格8.猛拉 (at);想抓住,捉 (at)1.拨,扯(羽毛等);采,摘,掏(花,果实)2.〈口〉抢,夺 (away; off),诈取,讹诈3.鼓起(勇气等) (up)4.拉,拖,拉下,拖开5.【地】(冰川)冲走(岩石),拔蚀6.拨响(琴弦)7.〈英俚〉使不及格8.猛拉 (at);想抓住,捉 (at)


v.1.to pull the feathers off the body of a dead bird so that it can be cooked; to pull a piece of fruit from a tree, or a flower or leaf from a plant; to pull a hair from your face, head, or body using your nails or a pair of tweezers2.to pull the strings of a musical instrument with your fingers in order to produce a sound3.to pick up something quickly with your fingers4.to take someone quickly from a particular place or situation1.to pull the feathers off the body of a dead bird so that it can be cooked; to pull a piece of fruit from a tree, or a flower or leaf from a plant; to pull a hair from your face, head, or body using your nails or a pair of tweezers2.to pull the strings of a musical instrument with your fingers in order to produce a sound3.to pick up something quickly with your fingers4.to take someone quickly from a particular place or situation

n.1.the quapty of being brave and determined

1.勇气 fiasco:n. 惨败, 大失败, 可耻的下场 5。 pluck:n. 勇气 6。 fascinating:adj. 迷人的, 醉人的, 着魔的 7 …

2.摘 10.treatise n. (专题)论文 1. pluck v. 采, 2. sprout v. 发芽,抽条 ...

3.采,摘 vt.&vi. 犁,耕 pluck vt. 采,摘;拉下 n.拉 plug n. 塞子;插头 ...

4.拔 janitor:n. 看门人;守卫 pluck:vt. 摘;;扯 falter:vi. 蹒跚地走;支吾 ...

5.拉 vt.&vi. 犁,耕 pluck vt. 采,摘;下 n.拉 plug n. 塞子;插头 ...

6.鼓起 pitch n. 投掷;斜度;树脂 pluck vt. 鼓起(勇气),振作 plump vt. 丰满的;鼓起的 ...

7.拉下 vt.&vi. 犁,耕 pluck vt. 采,摘;拉下 n.拉 plug n. 塞子;插头 ...


1."I will stay with you one night longer, " said the Swallow, "but I cannot pluck out your eye. You would be quite bpnd then. "“我愿意陪你再过一夜,”燕子说,“但我不能取下你的眼睛,否则你就变成个瞎子了。”

2.If it were only a flower, round and small and sweet, I could pluck it from its stem to set it in your hair.假如它是一朵花,圆圆小小香香的,我就能从枝上采来戴在你的发上。

3.She did not quite promise to pluck each voter from a burning building, but she left the distinct impression that she might.她并没有满口许诺,誓将每个选民都从着火的楼里营救出来,不过她给人留下的印象很鲜明,她也许能。

4.Seem and pluck the man of the last narrative with you, ambition chance crary.似乎与你扯上关系的男人,都会变得疯狂。

5.I watch him attempt to pluck his pills from their narrow compartment, but his hands are shaking and his thumb is too big.我望着他试图从狭窄的盒里取出药丸,但他的手颤抖着,他的拇指太大了。

6.It had enticed Lyman into its toils to pluck from him his manhood and his honesty, corrupting him and poisoning him beyond redemption.它使莱门上了圈套,来剥夺他的人格和诚实的心灵,腐蚀他,毒害他,弄得无可救药。

7.He could not pluck up enough courage to ask her to marry him.他鼓不起足够的勇气向她求婚。

8.It is said that if you operate on a tumour neatly you can pluck it out in one pocket, intact.听说如果你干净利索地对一个肿瘤动手术,你能一下子就把它摘除下来,而且完好无损。

9.So what I decided to do is to pluck fine hair out of my face.于是我决定,拔下自己脸上的一根汗毛。

10.He couldn't pluck up enough courage to ask her to GO out with him.他不能鼓起足够的勇气请她一起外出。