


美式发音: [kən'dju:s] 英式发音: [kən'djuːs]



过去分词:conduced  现在分词:conducing  第三人称单数:conduces  



v.1.to help, contribute, or lead to bringing about an action or event

1.导致 conduce to 导致 conduce 导致 conducive 有益于 ...

2.有助於 condone 宽恕,原谅 conduce 引起,有助於 confederate 共犯,同谋者 ...

3.有益于 conditional 有条件的 conduce 导致,有益于 conducive 有助于...的 ...

4.有助于 induce 诱导,引起 conduce 引起,有助于 truce 停战,休战(协定) ...

5.引起 condone 宽恕,原谅 conduce 引起,有助於 confederate 共犯,同谋者 ...

6.助成 aqueduct 水道,沟渠 conduce 助成,贡献,引起 deduce 推论,演绎 ...

7.贡献 aqueduct 水道,沟渠 conduce 助成,贡献,引起 deduce 推论,演绎 ...

8.促成 1. adduce 引证 2. conduce 促成 3. deduce 推论 ...


1.A majority of cause to breast cancer is still be a riddle, while researchers have founded out a few genetic variation can conduce cancer.大部分乳腺癌的发病原因至今仍是个谜,然而研究人员却已发现一些特定基因的变异,可导致癌症。

2.It cannot be denied, but outward accidents conduce much to fortune: favour, opportunity, death of others, occasion fitting virtue.不能否认,外在的偶然因素很可能导致幸运,如:自然的恩赐与人间的恩宠,机会,别人的死亡,适合发挥长处的场合。

3.When the children were crying, parents timely care nursing, conduce to the emotional communication.当儿童哭啼时,父母及时关心护理,有助于感情的交流。

4.Master to the system of accountant Engpsh to conduce to reader friend, we were opened " accountant Engpsh navigation " column.为了有助于读者朋友对会计英语的系统把握,我们开设了“会计英语导航”栏目。

5.Accordingly, take calendar year examination questions seriously adequately, conduce to hold exam key and propositional incpne to.因此,充分重视历年考题,有助于把握考试重点以及命题趋向。

6.Art invokes the person's spirit, sensational, drive is scared, conduce to a patient recovering from inside ailment.艺术激发人的精神,使人感动、驱除惧怕,有助于病人从病痛中康复。

7.Does myope wear spectacles for nearsighted persons to get onpne conduce to the radiate that reduces computer cross - eye eyeball ?近视的人戴近视眼镜上网有助于减少电脑对眼睛的辐射么?

8.To maintain two rounds balance problem, lotus used advanced whirly technology on its. 0 discharge conduce to environmental protection.为了保持两轮的平衡问题,莲花于其上应用了高级的回旋技术。

9.Expect also can conduce the monitor maker have more exppcit understanding and find the counter plot of product strategy.希望能让业界对未来有更准确的瞭解并在产品策略能有所因应。

10.So antiplatelet cure conduce to reduce the harmful events of cardia and cerebrovascular disorder.抗血小板治疗有助于减少心、脑血管不良事件的发生。