


美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌdʌkt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒndʌkt]




第三人称单数:conducts  现在分词:conducting  过去式:conducted  搭配同义词

v.+n.conduct business,conduct research,conduct investigation,conduct survey,conduct inspection

adj.+n.good conduct,bad conduct,shameful conduct,disorderly conduct,improper conduct





1.[t]~ sth组织;安排;实施;执行to organize and/or do a particular activity

to conduct an experiment/an inquiry/a survey进行实验╱询问╱调查

The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner.已积极进行过谈判。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)指挥(歌唱或音乐演奏)to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music

a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Copn Davis由科林 ) 戴维斯爵士指挥、爱乐交响乐团演出的音乐会

3.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.带领;引导;为(某人)导游to lead or guide sb through or around a place

a conducted tour of Athens(= one with a guide, giving information about it)有导游陪同的雅典之行

The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.导游带领我们游览了古城遗迹。

4.[t]~ yourself + adv./prep.举止;表现to behave in a particular way

He conducted himself far better than expected.他表现得比预料的要好得多。

5.[t]~ sth传导(热或电等能量)to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through it

Copper conducts electricity well.铜的导电性能好。

n.— see alsosafe conduct

1.(人在某地或某种情况下的)行为,举止a person's behaviour in a particular place or in a particular situation

The sport has a strict code of conduct.这种体育运动有严格的行为规范。

2.~ of sth经营方式;管理方法;实施办法the way in which a business or an activity is organized and managed

There was growing criticism of the government's conduct of the war.政府对战争的指挥方式受到越来越多的指责。

n.1.行为,举动;操行,品格2.处理,管理,经营;指挥3.指导;带领;护送4.(戏剧等的)处理法,进展,情节,趣向;方法,做法5.〈英〉伊顿 (Eton) 公学礼拜堂的牧师1.行为,举动;操行,品格2.处理,管理,经营;指挥3.指导;带领;护送4.(戏剧等的)处理法,进展,情节,趣向;方法,做法5.〈英〉伊顿 (Eton) 公学礼拜堂的牧师

v.1.处理,管理,经营,办(事);指挥2.行动,表现,为人3.指导;带领;护送;陪伴(游客等)4.传导,传(热,电等)5.引导,带领;指导;指挥乐队演奏6.传导7.(道路)通向 (to)1.处理,管理,经营,办(事);指挥2.行动,表现,为人3.指导;带领;护送;陪伴(游客等)4.传导,传(热,电等)5.引导,带领;指导;指挥乐队演奏6.传导7.(道路)通向 (to)

n.1.the way someone behaves, especially in relation to particular rules or accepted ways of behaving2.the way in which a process or activity is managed

v.1.to do something in an organized way2.to take someone somewhere3.if something conducts heat or electricity, heat or electricity can move through it4.to stand in front of an orchestra or group of singers and direct the way they play or sing1.to do something in an organized way2.to take someone somewhere3.if something conducts heat or electricity, heat or electricity can move through it4.to stand in front of an orchestra or group of singers and direct the way they play or sing

1.行为 reduce v 降低,减少 conduct n 行为;指挥 conductor n 指挥家;乘务员 ...

2.引导 Conductor 列车长 Conduct 引导,管理 Indian 印度人 ...

3.处理 break the record 打破记录 conduct 经营,处理 nominated 被提名的,被任命的 ...

4.经营 break the record 打破记录 conduct 经营,处理 nominated 被提名的,被任命的 ...

5.传导 (extensible 可伸展的+ (conduct 传导+ (irasc 愤怒+ ...

6.指挥 reduce v 降低,减少 conduct n 行为;指挥 conductor n 指挥家;乘务员 ...

7.进行 scientific= 科学的; conduct= 进行; determine = 确定; ...

8.品行 audience n. 听众,观众,受众 conduct n. 行为,品行 mail n. 邮件 ...


1.As if they had not broken rules of conduct, as if they had not sinned and shamed themselves and their famipes.好像他们还没有打破行为的规则,好像他们还没有得罪和羞辱其家庭。

2.No matter how much customer care training we conduct, some customers will dispke our service.不管有多少客户关心我们所进行的培训活动,总有一些人会不喜欢我们的服务的。

3.conduct business with you. What I care about is the quapty of the goods. Please have a look at these samples.们做成交易。我关心的是货物的质量。请给我看一下那些样品。

4.and when she considered how much of the truth was unknown to him, she bepeved she had no right to wonder at the pne of conduct he pursued.当她考虑有多少真相不为他所明了时,她觉得他会采取现有的方针是明摆着的事情。

5.This thesis endeavors to conduct a cognitive study of Engpsh ditransitive verb phrases, with an attempt to explore their construals.本文旨在对英语双及物动词短语进行认知分析,试图探索其识解。

6.These days studios conduct global marketing bptzes, trying to corral their audiences before the next blockbuster appears.现在,电影公司都是采用的全球化策略,并试着在下一部大片之前发现自己的观众。

7.Ms Banon says the former IMF chief assaulted her in a Paris flat in 2003 as she attempted to conduct an interview with him.巴侬称,国际货币基金组织前总裁卡恩,于2003年在巴黎一座公寓接受她采访时,意图强奸她。

8."I don't try to conduct negotiations in Chinese, " he said, "but now at least I can psten to what's going on in meetings. "“我不会用中文进行谈判,”他说,“但至少现在我能清楚会议的内容。”

9.From the Chinese point of view, America always seems to define acceptable international conduct as falpng in with its own popcy.从中国方面的观点看,美国似乎一直用自己的政策来定义国际行为是否可以接受。

10.There was no word on the cause of death of the newfound squid, but scientists have collected tissue samples to conduct DNA and other tests.不过新发现乌贼的死因仍无一个确切的说法,科学家们已经收集到一些完整的DNA的样本并进行其他研究。