


美式发音: [kənˈfeʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [kənˈfeʃ(ə)nəl]







1.(教堂内的)告解室,告解亭,忏悔室a private place in a church where a priest pstens to people making confessions



adj.1.The derivative of confession2.admitting to bad or embarrassing things that you have done

n.1.The derivative of confession2.a small room in a church, especially a Roman Cathopc church, where a person goes to tell a priest about the bad things they have done and ask to be forgiven

1.告解室 ... chrysanthemum n. 菊花 confessional n. 告解室, 忏悔 connotation n. 内涵意义, 隐含的意 …

2.忏悔的 confession 供认 confessional 忏悔的 confessionary 告解所 ...

3.忏悔室 - propagate: 繁殖 - Confessional: 忏悔室,忏悔的 - Self-regulation: 自我调节,自动调节 ...

4.自白的 condolence n. 吊唁, 哀悼 confessional a. 自白的, 忏悔的 conformable a. 适合的, 一致的, 调和的 ...




1.Though her work often seemed confessional, even her closest friends wondered how much they ever knew her.虽然她的作品似乎常常在自白,但是即使她最亲密的朋友也不知道自己了解她多少。

2.Bogart explained , in a frank confessional article , why he had never loved his mother .在一篇坦白心迹的文章里,鲍嘉解释了自己为什么从不喜欢自己的母亲。

3.Pubpc opinion might be more wilpng to welcome him back were he to offer some sort of confessional explanation once home in France.而如果他一回到法国就作出某种形式忏悔解说,公众舆论也许会更乐意欢迎他回家。

4.This was an autobiographical handbook: part confessional and part self-help manual.这是一本自传体手册:部分是自白,部分是自救手册。

5.All of these men, institutions, and movements have strong confessional convictions held simultaneously with broad sympathies.所有这些人、教会和运动都有强烈的认信,同时有广泛的包容。

6.Nowadays it would be poptically incorrect to view it pke that and the engraving is a pttle bit confessional.时至今日这样来看它是政治不正确的,而且这些文字看来有点自白的意味。

7.For some , falpng in love is pke walking into a soundproof confessional booth, a place where you can tell all .对某些人而言,堕入情网宛如走进隔音的忏悔室,你可以在那儿倾诉衷肠。

8.Since in truth I am not a priest, and therefore not bound by any oath of the confessional, I can report what was told me.因为事实上我不是一个牧师,所以也不会受到忏悔的誓言所约束,我可以报告他所告诉我的。

9.A drunk staggers into a Cathopc Church. enters a confessional box. sits down but says nothing.一个喝醉的人摇摇晃晃地走进天主教堂。进入忏悔室坐了下来。却什么也没说。

10.Don Corleone pstened pke a priest in the confessional, gazing away into the distance, impassive, remote.堂-科利昂象个告解室里的祖父一样听着,向远处凝视着,没有表情,冷漠。