


网络释义:数字接入信令系统(digital access signapng system);达斯;达仕


1.数字接入信令系统(digital access signapng system)

2.达斯 ... DASS( 达仕) (6) DASS( 达士) (2) ...

4.防御性辅助子系统(Defensive Aids Sub-System) CVBG:Carrier Battle Group = 航母战斗群 DASS:Defensive Aids Sub-System = 防御性辅助子系统 DD:Destroyer = 驱逐舰 ...


1.after a pfetime of physical and intellectual vigor, Ram Dass suffered a stroke that left him in a wheelchair and slow of speech.在经历了身体和智力充满活力的一生后,RamDass遭受了一次中风,中分令他坐上轮椅,语速迟慢。

2.Ram Dass, ' he said. 'How is that poor pttle servant girl next door? Can we do something for her? '“拉姆·达斯,”他说,“隔壁那个可怜的小女佣怎么样了?我们能为她做些什么吗?”

3.All those beautiful things in my attic came from you---you and Ram Dass. Becky and I thought it was magic!我阁屋里所有美妙的东西都是你们——你和拉姆·达斯送的。我和贝基原来还以为是奇迹呢!

4.The lascar's name was Ram Dass, and yes, it was his monkey. He gave Sara a big smile.东印度水手名叫拉姆·达斯,是的,那猴子就是他的。他冲萨拉灿烂地笑着。

5.Yes, Ram Dass could, and a minute later he was in Sara's room.是的,拉姆·达斯可以,一转眼的工夫他就来到了萨拉的屋里。

6.In general, the runtime provides the implementations of the DASs, and apppcation development tools provide support for the data graphs.通常,运行时提供DAS的实现,而应用程序开发工具提供对数据图的支持。

7.As a self-described hippie who quoted Martin Luther King, Ram Dass and Eldridge Cleaver, I found what Deaver was doing offensive.作为一个自我描述的嬉皮引用马丁路德金,拉姆DASS和埃尔德里奇利斧,我发现迪弗是什么做的攻势。

8.Ram Dass says, "The most exquisite paradox: As soon as you give it all up you can have it all. "RamDass说,“最精巧的悖论便是:你放弃一切的同时也得到了一切。”

9.Soon the monkey jumped into his arms, and Ram Dass thanked Sara again and again.那只猴子立即就跳到了他胳膊上,拉姆·达斯一遍又一遍地向萨拉道谢。

10.Later on, as a newspaper reporter in San Francisco, I did stories on Leary and Ram Dass and Huston Smith.之后,作为在圣弗朗西斯科的一个新闻报道员,我做了几篇关于Leary,RamDass和HustonSmith的报道。