



n.疆界,界线, 范围 动词confine的第三人称单数形式


The hermetic confines of an isolated life.


A school of psychology that confines itself to the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior and excludes subjective phenomena, such as emotions or motives.



形容词: confinable | 名词: confiner | 动词过去式: confined | 动词过去分词: confined | 动词现在分词: confining | 动词第三人称单数: confines |


1. 境界

2. 限度; 范围

3. 区域



形容词: confinable | 名词: confiner | 动词过去式: confined | 动词过去分词: confined | 动词现在分词: confining | 动词第三人称单数: confines |


restrain | imprison | limit | keep | restrict | detain | enclose | contain | surround | jail | curb | narrow | sequester | quarantine | lock up | impound | shut in | incarcerate | keep in | coop up | circumscribe | in | trammel | bound | hold in | hold | throttle |


free |



outskirts  circuit  compass  border  suburb   confinesconfinesn.


名词 confines:

a bounded scope

动词 confine:

restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"

同义词:limit, circumscribe, confine

place limits on (extent or access)

同义词:restrict, restrain, trammel, limit, bound, confine, throttle

prevent from leaving or from being removed


close in or confine

同义词:enclose, hold in, confine

deprive of freedom; take into confinement

同义词:confine, detain

to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement

同义词:restrain, confine, hold


1. As they were struggling to get dressed in the confines of the car, Joe in the back seat and Ken in the front, the Sicilian looked over at him.

" / 当他们正在奋斗在汽车的疆界中穿衣,前面的后座和肯恩的乔,西西里人在他浏览。

2. In 1218, Genghis Khan sent ambassadors and merchants to the city of Otrar, on the northeastern confines of the Khwarizm shahdom.


3. His command of words in the essay has reached the confines of profoundities and understandability.

: 他在这篇文章中的用词已经到达了深不可测的境界。

4. One of NCO's key strengths is its ability, through its global analysts, to conduct fundamental research across markets and not simply within the narrow confines of geographic borders.


5. "Jambo, my father," he said, looking somewhat uncomfortable, as usual, in the close confines of the rounded walls.


6. The open sea was deep and mysterious, and anyone who gave more than a passing thought to the bottom confines of the oceans probably assumed that the sea bed was flat.


7. A watch vendor works within the confines of his hand-painted pushcart on a street in Kabul, Afghanistan.


8. Yet all this strangeness still seems remote from ordinary life.Quantum effects are most evident when tiny systems are involved, such as electrons held within the confines of an atom.


9. The hermetic confines of an isolated life.


10. Therapist: We're going to continue with the Seavers because in the confines of this workshop, we should stick to those situations that offer some semblance of hope.


11. The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease; the happy man inevitably confines himself to ancient limits.


12. World owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease. The happy man inevitably confines himself within ancient limits.


13. The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease. The happy man inevitably confines himself within ancient limits.


14. Love gradually grows between them, but the confines of class, tradition and the notion of virtue prove impossible to break.


15. Whoever unlawfully detains or confines another person in order to get payment of a debt shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs.


16. Between the confines of...


17. It has also been speculated that the ancient Orobouros of Mithraism (the encircling serpent about to bite its own tail) was adapted for a Christian symbol of the limited confines of time and space.


18. In this paper,the definition of the small batch production is given,the disaevantage and confines of application about Shewhart control chart under the small batch condition is put forward.


19. He never leaves the confines of his heavily fortified castle, which is guarded by hundreds of fanatically loyal and well trained troops.


20. From the confines of cloisters, they are offering spiritual insight, religious history and vocational guidance on home pages featuring "illuminating graphics" and inspirational music.


21. Combining "future avant-garde" with classical pop-arrangements, their music blasts the confines of the genre of mere electronic music.


22. He spent three years within the narrow confines of the prison.


23. Confines himself to only one pungent footnote on this subject. He only mentions this serious subject in a footnote.


24. His fleets ravaged the coast of Arabia;and Trajan vainly flattered himself that he was approaching towards the confines of India.


25. If he comes along and confines you in prison and convenes a court, who can oppose him?


26. "If he comes along and confines you in prison and convenes a court, who can oppose him?


27. He confines himself five cigarettes one day.


28. The building coverage confines the volume of street blocks makes the urban skylines monotonously.


29. But, unfortunately, law by no means confines itself to its proper functions.


30. But of course it confines sex to marriage, and it does continue this absolutely essential link to procreation.


31. But we also want to feel we have perspective on the world beyond the confines of our occupation.


32. But by the time they had caught up with the rustlers, they had already left the confines of the park, and Tanzanian law forbids rangers from following cattle rustlers and poachers beyond park borders.


33. But when it comes to international burden-sharing, Washington is focused on geopolitical headaches while China confines its heavy-lifting to geoeconomic challenges.


34. The point is, I'm out of the house, out of the office, out of earshot of anyone in mind to give me a shout and outside the confines of what I think of as my life.


35. So whether it's the subtropics of the Everglades, the glamorous beaches and art-deco hotels of Miami, or the cozier confines of Celebration, Florida seems to have its bases covered.


36. As God’s creatures living within the physical world of mundane reality, we humans cannot overstep its confines;nor can we visualize beings that exist outside of it.


37. This paper proposes an interpolation algorithm that confines the chord error within a specified tolerance range during the interpolation process by adjusting the feedrate.


38. Organizationally, it has stepped out of its narrow confines and become a major national party.


39. Based on the spirits of keeping improving,preciseness and practicability, exploitation and innovation,the company stricktly confines itself to the standard in the field.


40. Secondly, the Now is the only point that can take you beyond the limited confines of the mind.


41. The fact is, all Western consciousness of and reflection upon art have remained within the confines staked out by the Greek theory of art as mimesis or representation.


42. It hinders the steady running of the country, and hampers a healthy debate, even within the confines of the ruling establishment.


43. On the other hand, thinking pattern of realism confines the understanding of fact in things perceptible or relations presented by materials.


44. The spa lounger will set the perfect ambiance for a rejuvenating experience in the confines of your home.


45. In addition, it confines some readers to fill up vacuity variously about those literatures that the TV play borrowed from.


46. During the time of peace, troops usually do not stop outside the confines of the country.


47. One of the most astounding features of jets is the pencil-thin shape that they can maintain despite traveling hundreds of thousands of light-years, far beyond the confines of their parent galaxies.


48. His captivity was more total than that of a common criminal, who could at least have the occasional informal conversation within the confines of prison, could at least stroll up and down his cell.


49. This is a very convenient feature, as the confines of contemporary screens mean that we often find ourselves with a loaded drag cursor and no place to drop its contents.


50. Therefore, we recommend that you take log backups frequently enough to keep your work-loss exposure within the confines required by your business requirements.


51. Apart from these holes and hollows, you can no longer distinguish the confines of the organs and other body parts.The borders have become ambiguous.


52. National parks transport visitors far outside the confines of routine existence, to awe-inspiring realms of mystery and splendor, governed by forces beyond our control.


53. Between the natural confines of the broadwater and mountainous hinterland, Southport Central expresses the Gold Coast's dynamic global identity through timeless design.

在Broadwater水滨和Hinterland山林的天然地利环顾下,经由南港中心(Southport Central)永恒的设计,散发出黄金海岸生气蓬勃一致的整体性。

54. Be the first person to raise your hand when your manager needs someone to take the lead on a challenging new project -- even if the assignment falls outside the confines of your job description.


55. A majority may be said (at best) to "tolerate" minorities when it confines their participation to certain aspects of society.


56. Undead cannot be created within the confines of a Tomb, and creatures slain by undead do not become spawn.


57. Within the narrow confines of the solar system, it will not handicap us too severely.


58. I experienced a lot in those narrow confines.


59. She also found that there is more choice in shopping there than the confines of Ramallah which she was always afraid to leave lest she be caught at an Israeli army checkpoint.


60. Sitting opposite Perry in the smart but comfortable confines of the Century Club there is little evidence of his past misdeeds, in either his face or figure.


61. In his old age, he confirmed the confines and tasks of philology, summarized the experiences and achievements of criticizing texts in history, put forwarded the important works of textual criticism.


62. We jammed together, shoulder-to-shoulder, in the narrow confines.


63. Within the confines of their village, they could reasonably expect to know everything that was to be known, see everything that was to be seen, and do everything that was to be done.


64. At last, the applicable confines of the models and more problems that should be resolved further were put forward.


65. Smoking in the confines of an elevator, where the smoke cannot easily dissipate, is harmful to others' health.


66. Within the hermetic confines of the secret facility, the politically ambivalent Kaminoans applied their mastery of genetic sciences to craft what they deemed the finest of clone armies.


67. In this trap design, a magnetic field confines the particles radially and an electric field raises the potential at each end of the cylinder.


68. The regional conception has already break it"s narrow confines and shows universal and multiplex trend.


69. Operating outside the confines of NASA's bureaucracy, Tarter says, the SETI Institute runs like a nonprofit business.


70. The outer cladding layer confines the expanded beam within the core and inner cladding layer.


71. For ages since, the elementals of air, water, earth, and fire have engaged in endless strife with each other, waging titanic battles in the confines of their realm.


72. She passed her life within the confines of her native place.


73. She confines her remarks to scientific management.


74. Her story has born out the truth that the key to being creative depends on whether or not to break through the confines of one's existing knowledge.


75. She was sixteen and just at the age when her developing figure had reached a plump perfection. Her rounded breasts seemed to be bursting out of the close confines of her lace-edged white silk slip.


76. The aggressive acts of her immediate leader has pushed her to the confines of tolerance.


77. Well, I was really angry and said every single word within the confines of my room, that you can imagine.

好吧,我真的生气并且每个单一字在我的房间疆界我的房间疆界里面 , 你能想像说。

78. Today, only a short-sighted business person would believe that an enterprise can grow and prosper entirely within the confines of its domestic market borders.


79. If you are just too exhausted to leave the confines of the house, unplug the phone, lock the door, batten down the hatches and spend the entire weekend at home, doing absolutely nothing.


80. It will gather together its tributaries and overflow the confines of its bed.
