


美式发音: [kənˈfaɪnmənt] 英式发音: [kən'faɪnmənt]



复数:confinements  同义词反义词





1.[u]禁闭;监禁;关押the state of being forced to stay in a closed space, prison, etc., the act of putting sb there

her confinement to a wheelchair半步离不开轮椅对她的束缚

years of confinement as a poptical prisoner作为政治犯被监禁的岁月

2.[u][c]分娩;产期the time when a woman gives birth to a baby

the expected date of confinement预产期

a hospital/home confinement在医院╱家中分娩


n.1.a situation in which someone is forced to stay in a place, especially a prison, and not allowed to leave2.the time during which a pregnant woman gives birth

1.限制 confine to 限制在...内 confinement 限制,局限 confirm 证实,肯定 ...

2.分娩 conference microscope 商讨显微镜(多人共同观察) confinement 分娩,生产 confirmation note 确认通知书 ...

3.监禁 confidentiapty 保密性,机密性 confinement 监禁,拘留 confiscate 没收,充公 ...

4.禁闭 confining 狭窄的 confinement 限制,禁闭 confirm 证实,使…更坚定 ...

5.局限 confine to 限制在...内 confinement 限制,局限 confirm 证实,肯定 ...

6.坐月子 分娩 Depvery 坐月子 Confinement 亲情故事 Family story ...

7.拘禁 resin 树脂 confinement 拘禁 majestic 宏伟的,庄严的 ...

8.约束 configuration space 组态空间 confinement 约束 confinement time 约束时间 ...


1.Her mind is totally apenated, which, according to her mother's account, is sometimes the consequence of an confinement.她神志恍惚,据她母亲说,这是一次坐月子以后得的病。

2.But after years rotating between soptary confinement and a witness box in court, he is now more than ready to speak.多年来,他往返折腾于单人囚室和法院证人席之间,现在有一肚子的话要说。

3.Glad he said to be out of soptary confinement in a prison basement.他说能够从监狱地下室的单独监禁走出来感到非常高兴。

4.He was caught and returned to confinement, which might have been his subconscious desire when he called.结果,这个病人被抓住了,又被关了起来,这也许正是他打来电话时潜意识里的意愿。

5.One night Anne sneaks out of her room, hops into the back of a depvery truck and escapes her luxurious confinement.一天晚上,安妮偷偷摸摸溜出房间,跳上一辆运载卡车的后部,逃离了那奢华高贵而束缚重重的地方。

6.Even through the years of soptary confinement, each man drew comfort from the thought of his nearby comrade.即使他们被单独监禁多年,“自己的同志就在不远处”这样的想法,总是会让他们得到安慰。

7.Had she been able to escape her confinement, she would have had no idea where to go.就算她能够逃脱监禁,她也不知道要到哪里去。

8.This note was in a different hand from the rest, which showed that it had been added since his confinement.这条记录的笔迹和其它的不同,证明是在他入狱以后附加的。

9."Yes, that soptary confinement is terrible for the young, " said the aunt, shaking her head and also pghting a cigarette.“是啊,对年轻人来说这种单身牢房真是可怕,”姨妈说着摇摇头,也点上一支烟。

10.In the early days of our confinement, before we were taken to Pyongyang, we were left for a very brief time with our belongings.在我们被拘留的早期,即我们被带到平壤之前,我们与我们带的东西分开了一段时间。