


美式发音: [ˈɑiˌʃɑ] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:i:ˌʃɑ:]





1.阿伊莎 亚特鲁( Adol) 艾夏Aisha) 穆斯塔法( Mustafa) ...

3.艾伊莎 Nadia 娜缇雅 – 希望, Aisha 艾伊莎 – 活泼的 Ardiana 雅蒂安娜 – 热情 ...

4.东惠子 keiko iibos你好 饭星景子(饭干 …

5.这是阿伊夏 ... sorov 灭亡 Aisha 羽翼 Novice 呆 ...

7.雅莎 多奇( Dogi) 雅莎Aisha) 缇亚( Tia) ...


1."One lady in a clothes shop thought it was a ferret and was waiting for it to jump out, " Aisha laughs.“有一次,一家成衣店的一位妇女以为是只黑足鼬,还等着它跳出来呢,”爱莎笑着说。

2.My wife and I are about to have a new baby girl and we were planning to call her "Aisha" , which we think is a beautiful African name.我妻子和我将迎来一个女儿,我们打算给她取名为“阿伊莎”(Aisha)。我们觉得,这是一个非常美丽的非洲名字。

3.Aisha was the only daughter of Gaddafi, Libya's first known as the Princess.阿伊莎是卡扎菲唯一的女儿,被称为利比亚的第一公主。

4.However nauseating the treatment of Bibi or Aisha, it would be a mistake to let our stomachs rule our heads.我们不应该让腹部代替我们思索的大脑,不管那些人对待Bibi和艾莎的方式有多么令人作呕。

5.He cites the example of the Prophet Muhammad who married six-year-old Aisha but waited for consummation till she was a pttle older.他引用先知穆罕默德与六岁的女孩艾夏结婚,但他等到女孩更大一些才圆房的例子。

6.In April, Aisha granted a rare interview to the New York Times, summing up the sense of fatapsm gripping her besieged family.今年4月,艾莎难得同意了《纽约时报》的采访,总结了家被控制被包围的宿命。

7.Aisha cannot have a boyfriend, says Farooq. That would not be considered as being to her optimal benefit.法鲁克说:艾莎不能有男朋友,交男朋友对她没好处。

8.However, doctors conducted several operations to help Aisha's heart work normally, and to protect the vulnerable organ outside her body.然而,医生们做了好几个手术以帮助爱莎的心脏正常搏动,并保护她这个体外容易受到伤害的器官。

9.Like her brothers, Qaddafi's only daughter, Aisha, has been a global player.卡扎菲唯一的女儿,艾莎和她的兄弟一样,已经是一位全球性的人物。

10.Aisha studied for a computer course instead, but still pkes to write poetry and stories in her diary.于是爱莎就开始学计算机课程,可她仍旧喜欢在日记中写诗和写故事。