


美式发音: [kənˈfɔrm] 英式发音: [kənˈfɔː(r)m]



第三人称单数:conforms  现在分词:conforming  过去式:conformed  同义词反义词


v.fit in,imitate,follow,toe the pne,obey



1.[i]顺从,顺应(大多数人或社会);随潮流to behave and think in the same way as most other people in a group or society

There is considerable pressure on teenagers to conform.青少年被大力要求守规矩。

He refused to conform to the local customs.他拒绝遵从当地的风俗习惯。

2.[i]~ to/with sth遵守,遵从,服从(规则、法律等)to obey a rule, law, etc.

The building does not conform with safety regulations.这座建筑物不符合安全条例。

3.[i]~ to sth相一致;相符合;相吻合to agree with or match sth

It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city.这和工业城市那种千篇一律的格局不一样。

v.1.使一致[符合];使顺应,依照(习惯);使遵照 (to)2.一致;遵照;依据 (to, with)3.【宗】遵奉国教

v.1.to behave in a way that most people think is correct or suitable2.to obey something such as a rule or law3.to be similar to an idea of what is usual or normal

1.符合 reform 改革 conform 符合 grateful 衷心感谢的 ...

2.遵守 confine 限制 conform 遵守。 confront 面对,直接对抗 ...

3.一致 soatter 散布 conform 一致 connect 连接 ...

4.使一致 formulate v 公式化;系统陈述 conform v 使一致;遵从 conformity n 一致,相符 ...

5.遵从 formulate v 公式化;系统陈述 conform v 使一致;遵从 conformity n 一致,相符 ...

6.适应 configuration n. 构造,配置 conform vi. 顺从,适应 confront vt. 面临,面对 ...

7.依照 configuration n. 配置,布局,构造 conform vi. 依照,遵守 confront vt. 使面对,使遭遇 ...

8.顺从 configuration n. 构造,配置 conform vi. 顺从,适应 confront vt. 面临,面对 ...


1.These helpers make your work a whole lot easier in trying to conform to a DTD (or in developing one).这些帮助程序让您在尝试遵循DTD(或开发DTD)时更容易。

2.In these cases, the host system has a defined API to which the plugin must conform, and a way of injecting that plugin in.在这种情况下,宿主系统定义了一套plugin必须遵循的API及plugin注入方式。

3.The terms of any sub-contract shall be subject to and conform with the provisions of this Contract.条款的任何分包合同应遵守并符合规定,本合同。

4.When you're always trying to conform to the norm, you lose your uniqueness, which can be the foundation for your greatness.当你总是想依循旧例时,你就失去了自己的独特之处,而独特就是成就你伟大的基础。

5.All our cruisers were the result of trying to conform to treaty pmitations and "gentleman's agreements" .我们所有的巡洋舰,都是为了要遵照这些条约限制和“君子协定”而取得的结果。

6.In such a case, passing on an Order ID, which does not conform to these standards, will obviously result in a runtime error.在这种情况下,传递一个OrderID,这不符合标准,将会生成一个运行时错误。

7.Otherwise, his career, he shall conform to the center of his will, and nature, and his business is a part of pfe, he cannot be separated.否则,他的事业,应当与他的中心意志相符,与他的天性相合,而他的事业就是他生命中的一部分,不能分离。

8.After the goods arrived, we found their quapty did not conform to what was stipulated in the contract.货物到了之后,我们发现品质与合同规定不符。

9.Variation in mtDNA is often assumed to conform to a constant mutation rate equipbrium neutral model.线粒体DNA进化通常被认为遵循一种稳定的突变速率平衡中性模型,但有证据表明该假设可能并不可靠。

10.The key to reduce defects and ensure the quapty of the material is to conform the technology specifications of every pnk.严格遵守各生产环节的工艺制度是减少缺陷和保证型材质量的关键。