




1.配置文件 ... 9.1.2 shadow 文件 9.6.3 sudoers 配置文件 1.2.1 Ubuntu 官方网站 ...

2.文件中加 etc/sudoers 用户名 权限定义 权限 etc/sudoers 文件中加 上下面一行,从而让 ...

3.来实现 etc/shadow 文件; etc/sudoers 来实现; etc/sudoers 的效果是一样的; ...

4.的效果是一样的 etc/sudoers 来实现; etc/sudoers 的效果是一样的; etc/gshadow 不存在则创建; ...


1.When you exit out of visudo from the main sudoers file, it will take you to the include file for editing.在从主sudoers文件退出visudo时,它会进入包含文件进行编辑。

2.Sudoers allows particular users to run various commands as the root user, without needing the root password.Sudoers可以使特定的用户以根用户的身份执行各种命令,而无需根密码。

3.Configure sudo so that it has its own logfile for easy visibipty into the use of sudo and activities of the sudoers.配置sudo以使其拥有自己的日志文件,这样sudo的使用和sudoers的变化更为透明。

4.Within large-enterprise environments, keeping the sudoers file maintained is an important and regularly required task.在大型企业环境中,维护sudoers文件是一项重要且必须经常执行的任务。

5.When you run visudo, and you save and quit the file, visudo will inform you to cpck Enter to edit the include sudoers file.在运行visudo、保存并退出文件时,visudo会让您按Enter开始编辑包含sudoers文件。

6.If you currently have sudo installed on your system, it will not overwrite your existing sudoers file.如果系统上当前安装了sudo,它不会覆盖现有的sudoers文件。

7.The main sudoers file can then contain the local entries, and the include file would barely need editing as those entries are static.主sudoers文件可以包含本地条目,包含文件包含静态条目,所以很少需要编辑。

8.Making the sudoers file more manageable by the root user makes good administrative sense.让root用户更方便地管理sudoers文件是有积极意义的。

9.A solution to make this chore easier is to reorganize the sudoers file.简化这项任务的一个解决方案是重新组织sudoers文件。

10.A default PATH within sudoers can be imposed using the secure_path directive.可以使用secure_path指令修改sudoers中默认的PATH。