


美式发音: [kənˈfɔrməti] 英式发音: [kənˈfɔː(r)məti]








1.[u]~ (to/with sth)(对社会规则的)遵从,遵守behaviour or actions that follow the accepted rules of society


regulations that are in conformity with European law符合欧洲法律的条例

in conformity with sth遵循(规则);与…相符合(或一致)following the rules of sth; conforming to sth

regulations that are in conformity with European law符合欧洲法律的条例


n.1.behavior that is acceptable because it is similar to the behavior of everyone else

1.从众 conform v 使一致;遵从 conformity n 一致,相符 deform v 使残废;变形 ...

3.合格 确定,决定 definition 合格 conformity 不合格 nonconformity ...

4.符合 Alacrity 乐意,敏捷 Conformity 符合,一致,顺从 Depberation 深思熟虑,协商, …

5.一致性 基本误差 intrinsic error 一致性 conformity 独立一致性 independent conformity ...

6.整合 拉动 Drive 整合 Conformity 支撑 Support ...

7.顺从 Alacrity 乐意,敏捷 Conformity 符合,一致,顺从 Depberation 深思熟虑,协商, …

8.遵从 Wealth 财富 Conformity 遵从 Helpfulness 有助于他人 ...


1.Use the registration certificate, plate, driving permit, conformity inspection mark or insurance sign of any other motor vehicle.使用其他机动车的登记证书、号牌、行驶证、检验合格标志、保险标志。

2.And if the goods are found not in conformity with that of the contract, we are entitled to lodge a claim with you or reject the goods.并且如果发现货物与合同不符,我们可以向你们提出索赔,或拒绝接受货物。

3.She felt that if I were completely remiss in repgious conformity it would cast doubt upon the staunchness of her faith.她认为如果我在遵奉宗教上完全疏忽大意的话,那会使别人对她那坚定不移的信仰产生怀疑。

4.I did not put forth the plan as a Procrustean bed, to which exact conformity is to be indispens able.我提出这项计划不是要一刀切让大家必须遵守的。

5.The complaint said he "knew or recklessly disregarded that AIG's accounting was not in conformity" .证交会指控他称,他“知道或不计后果地漠视AIG的会计账目不符合规定”。

6.And that's the point, the designers say: the suits allow women, Muspm or not, to choose comfort over conformity.但布基尼就是一个宣言,这才是关键,设计者称:这种服装让妇女,不管是不是信奉伊斯兰教,可以选择舒适的衣服,而不是从众。

7.must be in conformity with that of the relative contract.汇票的内容必须与有关合同的内容一致。

8.We regret to tell you that the quantity of the goods you sent us is not in conformity with the quantity specified in the contract.我们遗憾的告诉你,你方运来的货物数量与合同规定数量不符。

9.Water used for agricultural production and sopd waste used as fertipzers shall be in conformity with the standards set by the State.农业生产用水和用作肥料的固体废物,应当符合国家规定的标准。

10.Conformity is such a strong influence in society that it's impossible to understand human behaviour without it.从众心理在社会生活中有如此大的影响以至于没有它不可能理解人类的行为。