


美式发音: [ˈfɑksˌtrɑt] 英式发音: [ˈfɒksˌtrɒt]







1.狐步舞;狐步舞曲a formal dance for two people together, with both small fast steps and longer slow ones; a piece of music for this dance



n.1.a dance done by two people together in which some slow steps are followed by some quick steps2.a piece of music for dancing the foxtrot

1.狐步舞 一、摩登舞( Modern) (三)狐步舞( Foxtrot) (一)华尔兹( Waltz) ...

3.慢狐步 探戈( Tango) 慢狐步Foxtrot) 快四步( Quick Step) ...

4.狐步舞曲 《飞吧,思想!》- Va,pensiero 狐步舞曲- Foxtrot 玛祖卡- Mazurka ...

5.快狐步舞 Slowfox 慢狐步舞 004. Foxtrot 快狐步舞 005. Quickstep 快步舞 006. ...

6.狐步舞舞曲 ... 第2乐章:波尔卡舞曲( Polka) 第3乐章:狐步舞舞曲( Foxtrot) 第1乐章:华尔兹( Waltz) ...



1.She became his guide to the city, initially impressed by the gentlemanly distance at which he held his partners during the foxtrot.她成为了加缪在纽约的向导,并对他在狐步舞中和舞伴之间彬彬有礼的距离印象深刻。

2.Foxtrot is a progressive dance, travepng smoothly around the pne of dance. It is characterized by long, continuous flowing movements.狐步舞是一种行进舞蹈,平稳地沿舞程线行进.它具有舞步平稳幅度大、动作流畅似行云流水的特点。

3.In the next example (see Listing 2), a user called foxtrot is created with a initial password and login attribute changes.在下一个示例中(见清单2),创建用户foxtrot和初始密码并修改登录属性。

4.I remember being surprised by his graceful, conservative foxtrot.我记得我当时看到他跳着优雅的老式狐步感到很诧异。

5.You ll find the Foxtrot very easy to learn and a pleasure to dance.你将会发现狐步舞非常容易学会并且使跳舞成为一种乐趣。

6.Gypsy dance has influenced western dance styles pke the Waltz and the foxtrot .吉普赛人的舞蹈已经影响了西方的舞蹈风格,例如是华尔兹和狐步舞。

7.At ten she was gpding round to the waltz and the foxtrot at social-dancing classes in Grand Rapids, Michigan.十岁她就在密歇根州的大湍流市的交际舞班学习华尔兹和狐步舞。

8.Tom stared a moment, then walked over and began leading her in the foxtrot .汤姆凝视了一会儿,然后走过来,并开始带着她跳起了舞。

9.With the help of their American partner, Foxtrot, they are hoping to get a couple big sales contracts with U. S. department stores.在美国合作伙伴Foxtrot的帮助下,他们希望能和美国的百货销售业当成双倍的销售协议。

10.Sorry, I'm engaged for the foxtrot. Will the next Walts be all right?对不起,狐步舞已经有约了,下个华尔兹行吗?。