




1.困惑著我 So angry! Disapoint myself 如此的忿怒 对我自己失望 Confuse me 困惑著我 I’m still who I am… 我依然还是最初那个我 ...

2.迷惑我 - Confuse Ray 奇异光线;混乱光;怪异光; - Confuse me 迷惑我; - Lethe confuse 白带黛眼蝶; ...

3.把我迷惑 ... 你的闪烁- ---Your fpcker 把我迷惑- ---Confuse me 我爱你- ---I love you ...


1.It did not confuse me to see "Treasure Island" in the movies and then read the book.先看电影《金银岛》,而后再去读这本书,并不让我觉得迷惑。

2.Aw! Now, you're just trying to confuse me!哦!你简直把我搞糊涂了!

3.confuse me but I try not to let them worry me.别人总是让我觉得很迷惑,但我尽量不让他们困扰我。

4.Don't confuse me with Aaron just because we are cousins.别因为我跟亚伦是表兄弟就把我们搞混。

5.I have to say that she is a very good salesgirl, cause she always knows how to convince me, not confuse me!我不得不说她是一名非常好的销售员,因为她总是知道怎样去说服我,而不是混淆我。

6.Will you please not confuse me with facts?请你别拿一些事情来打扰我好吗?

7.These detailed directions only served to confuse me further.这些详细的说明只不过是把我搞得更加糊涂。

8.Chinese characters always confuse me.中国汉字总是让我困惑。

9.Edward: Funeral plans, they did confuse me.爱德华:葬礼的安排让我心烦意乱。

10.Now I reapze you acted that way on purpose, just to confuse me.现在我才知道你是故意那样做来把我搞糊涂。