


美式发音: [kənˈɡrætʃəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [kənˈɡrætʃʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:congratulates  现在分词:congratulating  过去式:congratulated  同义词反义词


v.commend,acknowledge,toast,pat on the back,praise



1.~ sb (on sth)向(某人)道贺;祝贺to tell sb that you are pleased about their success or achievements

I congratulated them all on their results.我为他们取得的成就向他们所有人表示祝贺。

The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work.向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂的作品的作者们祝贺。

2.~ yourself (on sth)(为成就或成功)感到高兴,感到自豪to feel pleased and proud because you have achieved sth or been successful at sth

You can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job.你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。


v.1.to tell someone that you are pleased about their success, good luck, or happiness on a special occasion

1.祝贺 Congratulation 祝词 Congratulate 祝贺 Business 商务 ...

2.庆贺 /congrats( 恭喜) /congratulate庆贺) /cough( 咳嗽) ...

3.恭喜 /Confused( 迷惑) /Congratulate( 恭喜) /Cough( 咳嗽) ...

4.向…道喜 confuse 使混乱,混淆 congratulate 祝贺,向…道喜 congress 大会;国会,议会 ...

5.恭贺 confusion 混乱状态,慌乱 congratulate 祝贺,恭贺 congress (代表)大会,国会,议 …

6.道贺 congregate( 集合)大家向他 congratulate道贺). 179. 口诀: speech( 发言) ...

7.庆祝 melt 溶化; congratulate 庆祝; mount 簦 上。 3 题:答案为 ...


1.On behalf of the American people, we congratulate Muspms in the United States and around the world on this blessed day. Eid Mubarak.我们代表美国人民,在这个神圣的日子向在美国和世界各地的穆斯林致以祝贺。开斋节吉祥快乐。

2.He phoned me up this morning to congratulate me and said he was very enthusiastic about this new challenge for me.今天早上他打电话给我恭喜我,说他很兴奋,这对我是新的挑战。

3.S. commander in Afghanistan for tens of thousands of more troops -- called Mr. Karzai to congratulate him on his 'constructive' action.奥巴马目前仍在审议驻阿富汗美军最高指挥官要求增兵数万人的申请。

4.Catherine wished to congratulate him, but knew not what to say, and her eloquence was only in her eyes.凯瑟琳本想向他道喜,可是不知说啥是好,满肚子的话全含在眼神里。

5.Maradona is often seen in the middle of team celebrations, freely giving hugs to congratulate his players.马拉多纳经常会出现在球队庆祝的中央,随意的拥抱球员并向他们表示祝贺和鼓励。

6.The fight he put up against me was unbepevable and I congratulate him for that.他对我做出的反击令人难以置信,我为此向他祝贺。

7.The secret is to congratulate him on the occasion of the younger sister, who has modestly in claiming that "the bold" .这一秘诀是他给来贺喜的小弟小妹的回礼,他自谦地称其为“侃经”。

8."We congratulate President Karzai on his victory in this historic election and look forward to working with him, " it said in a statement.在声明中,美国大使馆称,“我们祝贺卡尔扎伊总统在这历史性的选举中胜出,我们期待与他共同工作。”

9.Very shortly after we arrived at Mr Chen's place, unexpectedly he said to us, "you were supposed to congratulate on me today. "到了陈先生家,甫一坐定,陈先生就颇有些出其不意地说,你们今天应该向我道喜。

10.Nobody congratulate me, and I decided to leave the abare city go back my hometown.没人为我庆祝,我要离开这个喧嚣的城市回到我的家乡。