


美式发音: [nɑˈɡɑnoʊ] 英式发音: [nəˈɡɑ:nəu]



un.1.city and port in Japan, on Honshu Island. It is the commercial center and capital of Nagano Prefecture.

1.长野信州长野(NAGANO)是古老的黑耀石原产地,也是绳文文化的起源,从西元前三百年到一万年前,绳文文化在此发迹,从此开 …

2.日本长野摄于日本长野Nagano),本图展示了以猎户星座、金牛座和昴宿星团为幕,诡异的冰冻瀑布。虽然这些星星闪着看似霜白的 …

3.长野市长野市(Nagano)是长野县的行政首都,并于1998年为奥林匹克冬季运动会的举办地点。长野市是千曲川流经的善光寺平流域, …


5.日本长野计器日本长野计器(NAGANO)华南一级代理; 小深圳思迈科柳泽技术服务有限公司商务2部深圳思迈科柳泽技术服务有限公司是由深 …


1.Nagano Prefecture is said the bones of EGL Actress country people eat shabu shabu hot springs is a dedicated spa.据传东瀛女..优国长野县的白骨温泉就是让人吃涮涮锅专用的温泉。

2.South Pacific war shows that the Jap is no superman and can be beaten. Osami Nagano can be beaten, but not without one hell of a scrap.南太平洋战争的经历表明日本人不是超人,是可以被打败的。永野修身也可以被打败,只不过一场血战不可避免。

3.Nagano fire refers to at least nine people were injured by falpng objects, but the injury is not serious.长野消防局指,至少9人被掉落的物品砸伤,但伤势并不严重。

4.A: It is the pride and honor of the Japanese people as well as a token of China-Japan friendship to have the torch relay in Nagano.答:火炬传递选择在长野举行是日本人民的骄傲和荣耀,也是中日友好的象征。

5.Nagano Olympics too soon for you, but for in Salt Lake City, you could be ready.长野奥运会来不及参加了,但你可以准备参加年盐湖城奥运会。

6.Osami Nagano is Chief of Japan's Naval Staff, and last week his Navy was up to no good in the South Pacific.永野修身是日本海军司令部总长,上周他的部队在南太平洋战场跃跃欲试、图谋不轨。

7.Throughout the day these monkeys can be seen playing, grooming, and relaxing in the steaming waters in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.全天这些猴子能被看到玩耍,修饰,和放松在汽蒸水在长野县,日本。

8.Sensing danger, Ms. Nagano and 18 other teachers led the children to higher land.感觉到危险的长野贞子和另外18名教师领着孩子们上到较高的地方。

9.Japanese macaques, also known as snow monkeys, stay warm in the winter by bathing in the natural hot springs at Nagano.日本猕猴,也叫雪猴,在日本长野县浸泡天然温泉以抵御冬天的寒冷。

10.Some are active in the final stages of intensive training to prepare to be held in Nagano for the Winter Olympics two weeks.有些则是积极地进行最后阶段的密集训练。准备赴往在长野举行的长达两个星期的冬季奥运会。