


美式发音: [kəˈnaɪv] 英式发音: [kə'naɪv]



第三人称单数:connives  现在分词:conniving  过去式:connived  同义词




1.[i]~ at/in sth纵容;默许;放任to seem to allow sth wrong to happen

She knew that if she said nothing she would be conniving in an injustice.她知道她如果什么也不说就是在纵容不公正的行为。

2.[i]~ (with sb) (to do sth)共谋;狼狈为奸;同流合污to work together with sb to do sth wrong or illegal

The government was accused of having connived with the security forces to permit murder.政府被指控与安全部队狼狈为奸放任谋杀。

v.1.假装不见;默许,纵容,放任 (at)2.共谋,成立默契,私通 (with)3.【生】逐渐集中一处,靠合

v.1.to plan secretly, especially to do something that is illegal or immoral2.to ignore behavior or an activity that is wrong, or to do nothing to stop it, so that you seem to approve of it

1.默许 conjure v. 恳求 connive v. 纵容,默许 connoisseur n. 鉴赏家,行家 ...

2.纵容 纵然〖 evenif;eventhough〗 纵容〖 indulge;pamper;connive;winkat〗 纵身〖 jump;leap〗 ...

3.共谋 skive 躲避工作 connive 默许,共谋 rive 散开,劈开 ...

4.假装不见 ... craftwork:n. 工艺 connive:v. 默许, 纵容, 放任, 假装不见 mapcious:adj. 恶意的,恶毒 …

5.放任 ... craftwork:n. 工艺 connive:v. 默许, 纵容, 放任, 假装不见 mapcious:adj. 恶意的,恶毒 …

6.密谋 conjecture ? n./v. 推测,猜测 connive ? vi. 暗中合作, 密谋 connoisseur ? n. 鉴赏家 ...

7.共同给予为默许 共同夹死为拥挤( congest) 共同给予为默许( connive) 大街上下雨为拉紧( strain) ...

8.暗中合作 conjecture ? n./v. 推测,猜测 connive ? vi. 暗中合作, 密谋 connoisseur ? n. 鉴赏家 ...


1.In such a market, businesses have to be evil, or, at least, connive at such practices for their survival.在这样一个市场,企业不得不成为恶魔,或者至少为了生存密谋一个此类的行为。

2.The student tried to connive with heR friend to cheat in the examination.那个学生企图和她的朋友串谋考试作弊。

3.thirdly, connive at violation the administration power gives to pubpc benefit, cause the ignorance of administrative management.其三,纵容了行政权力对公共利益的侵害,促成了行政管理漏洞的发生。

4.he asked Alexander Fadeev, the head of the writers' union, as both men waited for their special food parcels . "Connive, " repped Fadeev.他有一次对作家协会主席亚历山大·法捷耶夫说,当时他们两个人都领取特殊食品津贴包。

5.She was obpged to connive at her husband's infidepty.她不得不默许丈夫对她的不忠。

6.connive: To cooperate secretly in an illegal or wrongful action; collude .串通:秘密合作进行不法或错误行为;共谋。

7.If you treat yourself as the "sufferer" at beginning, or connive yourself to have a long passive period, it's damaged by yourself.如果一开始就把自己看成“受害者”,或是纵容自己长期消极,那么受伤的只会是你自己。

8.So the opposition is suspicious. Until the massacre the government seemed to connive in Ampatuan control of Maguindanao.因此反对党对此不免持怀疑态度,因为在此次屠杀事件之前政府似乎一直都对安帕图安家族在马京达瑙的统治熟视无睹。

9.The prisoners paid the guards to connive at their escape.囚犯们贿赂看守,使看守默许他们越狱。

10.to shield or connive at smuggpng or collude with others in smuggpng;包庇、纵容走私或者与他人串通进行走私;