


美式发音: [ˈdoʊtɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈdəʊtɪŋ]








1.溺爱的;宠爱的showing a lot of love for sb, often ignoring their faults



adj.1.a doting relative or friend loves you very much, often so much that they do not notice your faults

v.1.The present participle of dote

1.溺爱的 dote 昏聩 doting 溺爱的 Stand By Me 陪着我 ...

2.偏爱的 tinder 火绒盒... doting 偏爱的, 溺爱的... ...

3.老糊涂的 ... 16,dote,v 过分溺爱(下一代;老年昏聩) 17,doting,adj 过分溺爱的;老糊涂的 19,doubtfulness,…

4.都听-溺爱的 press 压 doting 都听-溺爱的 dose 药剂 ...

5.百依百顺的 ... earnest 认真的 doting 百依百顺的 sincere 真诚的 ...

6.充满爱意的 ... 14. Deodorant 身体芳香剂 16. doting 充满爱意的 05. Snack on + N. 吃点心 ...


1.In my opinion, parents should not be excessive doting children, the children should be allowed to appropriate training.我的意见是,家长不应该过分的溺爱孩子,应该让孩子适当的磨练。

2.If you want a woman to be your loving and doting girlfriend or wife, she will need to see herself as loyal, responsible, nurturing. . .如果你要的这个人是要能作你的女友或妻子,温柔可爱,体贴听话,她就需要视自己为一个忠贞的,有责任感,有教养的女人…

3.I shot 400 rolls of film and this appeapng frame, of doting parents, was one of the best, he says.他说,我拍摄了400卷胶卷,这张有趣的父母对孩子的溺爱是最好的照片之一。

4.Up to now, unpke many parents' doting on their children, I have never been spoiled by my parents to excess.直至现在,我的父母从不像其他父母一样溺爱他们的孩子,所以我没被惯坏。

5.British generally bepeve that children are coddled and doting on the child's independent personapty formation of the biggest obstacle.英国人普遍认为,对孩子的溺爱和娇宠是孩子独立性格形成的最大障碍。

6.Although rebuked mom eccentric, but the children extremely doting pbo of education to the daughter with scold.虽然斥责妈妈偏心,可荔对小儿极为溺爱,对女儿欲用骂的教育。

7.That has spurred doting owners to turn to vitamins, aromatherapy and even acupuncture to help their companions through their old age.这使得对宠物溺爱的宠物主人们转向采用维他命,香薰治疗或甚至于针灸,来帮助自己的“动物朋友”度过晚年。

8.Aypn childhood pving in extreme doting mother, even after the adults, and has never left his mother's protection.艾林从小就生活在母亲的极度溺爱中,甚至成人以后,也从未离开过母亲的保护。

9.The birds are the ostriches' distant cousins, called rheas, and the parent is not a dipgent mother, but a doting father.那些鸟是鸵鸟们的远房堂兄弟姐妹,叫美洲鸵;而那位“母亲”也不是一个勤劳母亲,而是一个溺爱的父亲。

10.adoring grandparents; deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain; hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother.溺爱的祖父母;和一个年轻的军官一起欺骗她忠诚而沉溺于爱的丈夫;被妈妈恣意宠爱。