




1.康纳一子,然造化弄人, 一九九一年三月,才四岁大的爱子康诺( Conor )竟从纽约数十层高的公寓住家意外摔下身亡,艾氏伤痛 …

3.酷诺 ... 康纳勒普 Konnerup 康纳尔 Conor 康纳布尔 Connable ...

5.小酷 雷诺斯特 lenox 柯纳 conor 域美 yumei ...

7.康诺尔 Constantine 康思坦蒂娜 Conor 康诺尔 Courtney 阔特妮 ...


1.Meeting you was fate, and falpng in love with you was out of my conor.遇见你是命运的摆设,而爱上你是我情不自禁。

2.He received lengthy treatment by the side of the pitch before being replaced by Conor Devpn.他在场边接受了长时间的治疗,然后被康纳。德芙林换下。

3.No. You asked me if I know any guys, and I gave Conor your phone number.是你问我又没认识的人,我就给了康纳你的电话。

4.Twenty-seven players have travelled to the pre-season training camp including young prospects Conor Henderson and Emmanuel Frimpong.二十七名球员前往这个训练营,其中包括年轻小将亨德森和弗林庞。

5.Advertisement appearing every conor of the commercial world focuses fully on arousing the purchaser's desire.在商业世界里,广告几乎无处不在,它集中全力唤起消费者的购买欲望。

6.Conor Coady today spoke of his joy after netting a memorable goal on his debut for Liverpool in China on Wednesday.科诺科迪谈论他在上周三利物浦中国行处子秀中,收获首球的喜悦。

7.The body of Mr Bogues's son Conor (26) has not yet been recovered after his fishing boat sank off Ardglass in January.Bogues先生儿子的渔船今年一月份在Ardglass的海上沉没后,尸体至今还没找到。

8.Maggie James: [To Conor] You have to be strong!玛吉·詹姆斯:[对柯洛]你必须坚强起来!

9.Academy star Conor Coady captained England U17s to a 1-1 draw against France on Saturday.周六青年学院球星康纳-科迪率领U17英格兰1比1战平法国。

10.eg: The Smiths occupy the house on the conor.史密斯一家住在拐角处的那座房子里。