


美式发音: [meɪm] 英式发音: [meɪm]



第三人称单数:maims  现在分词:maiming  过去式:maimed  同义词




1.~ sb使残废;使受重伤to injure sb seriously, causing permanent damage to their body

Hundreds of people are killed or maimed in car accidents every week.每周都有数百人因车祸而丧命或致残。


v.1.to injure someone seriously, especially permanently

1.使残废 magnitude 重要性;大小 maim 残害,使残废 maintain 维持;抚养;坚持;维修 ...

2.伤残 mail survey 邮寄调查 maim 伤残 main activity 主要活动 ...

3.残害 machete 大砍刀 maim 残害,使重伤(残) massacre 大屠杀,残杀 ...

4.残废却没门 Malaria: 疟疾 Maim: 致残 Lymphatic Filariasis: 淋巴丝虫病 ...

6.割碎 ... 割伤 Lacerate 割碎 Maim 重殴 Maul ...

7.马六甲回教宗教理事会(Majps Agama Islam Melaka)


1.Architects whose buildings fall down and doctors who maim their patients tend to suffer some sort of consequence.建筑师建造的大楼倒塌,医生使病人致残,这些都会使他们承担某种不良后果。

2.Our hands are better able to manage the subtle grips necessary for making and using tools to maim or kill other species.我们的双手能够更加精确地把握工具,这对制造工具并利用工具猎杀猎物来说是必不可少的。

3.It's very necessary to open education for prevention of maim in middle school.十分必要为如何阻止在中学阶段变成脑残开一门课程。

4.Maim still works as a stun, which will also stop casting unless the target is under DR or otherwise has some kind of protection.割碎仍然可以造成昏迷效果,这同样会停止目标的施法,除非目标在收益递减之下或者受到某种防护效果。

5.This is pure speculation, but it's almost as if the squirrel was seeking to maim the bat in some way.这只是纯粹的推测,但是好像这只松鼠是企图以某种方式残杀那只蝙蝠。

6.Through the United Nations, we are working together to preserve peace; to outlaw weapons that kill and maim indiscriminately.在联合国的带领下,我们团结一致维护和平,共同禁止一切武器滥杀民众。

7.Landmines kill or maim at least one person every hour.战争遗留地雷现在平均每小时害死或致残至少一人。

8.thats always your way , maim - always saipng in to help somebody before they re hurt.你总是这样个脾气,玛丽怕人家受委屈,爱半道上便插进来帮人家。

9.They think people should be treated with acknowledgement and appreciation, and laughing will maim people's confidence.因为他们觉得“笑”会打击信心,对待别人应该肯定和表扬。

10.If problems continue, maim alternatively clear anyone newly installed hardware all software .如果问题仍然存在,禁用或删除任何新安装的硬件或软件。