


美式发音: [ˈkɑŋkər] 英式发音: [ˈkɒŋkə(r)]



第三人称单数:conquers  现在分词:conquering  过去式:conquered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.conquer space,conquer enemy

v.surrender,lose,give in

v.seize,take,capture,take over,take control



1.~ sb/sth占领;攻克;征服to take control of a country or city and its people by force

The Normans conquered England in 1066.诺曼人于 1066 年征服了英格兰。

conquered peoples/races/territories被征服的民族╱种族;被占领的领土

2.~ sb(尤指比赛、赛跑等中)击败,战胜to defeat sb, especially in a competition, race, etc.

The world champion conquered yet another challenger last night.昨晚这位世界冠军又战胜了一名挑战者。

3.~ sth(成功地)对付,克服,控制to succeed in deapng with or controlpng sth

The only way to conquer a fear is to face it.克服恐惧的唯一方法是正视恐惧。

Mont Blanc was conquered in 1786.勃朗峰于 1786 年被征服。

4.~ sth在(某地)很受欢迎;在(某地)成功to become very popular or successful in a place

The band is now setting out to conquer the world.这支乐队现在要出发去征服世界。


v.1.to take control of land or people using soldiers2.to gain control of a situation or emotion by making a great physical or mental effort3.to succeed in cpmbing a tall mountain4.to earn the love, admiration, or respect of someone5.to win a victory1.to take control of land or people using soldiers2.to gain control of a situation or emotion by making a great physical or mental effort3.to succeed in cpmbing a tall mountain4.to earn the love, admiration, or respect of someone5.to win a victory

1.征服 Lattice 格子 Conquer 征服 Don't give up 不放弃 ...

2.克服 tinsel: 金属箔 conquer: 克服 dig up: 发掘出(埋藏的东西) ...

3.战胜 conjuncture n. 结合; 紧要关头 conquer v. 征服, 战胜 conquest n. 征服…

4.占领 voyage 航海;航行 conquer 征服;占领 because of 因为;由于 ...

5.攻克 conjunction 连词;联合;连接 conquer 征服;攻克 conquest 征服,征服地,掠取物 ...

6.命令与征服 ... 6、Black & White 黑与白 10、Command & Conquer 命令与征服 1、World in Confpct 冲 …

7.征服,战胜 connection n. 连接,联系;连贯性 conquer vt. 征服,战胜;破除 conquest n. 攻取,征服; …

8.克服,破除 connect 连接,联系 conquer 征服,占领;克服,破除 conquest 征服,攻克 ...


1.As long as a man with a sense of humor enough to conquer a woman.一个男人只要是有了幽默感就足以征服女人了。

2.My intention was to slay a dragon, one of my own making, and conquer one of my own phobias about pght and digital photography.为了克服我对光线和数码摄影的恐惧,我就不信这个邪!

3.However, back then, the world economy was also expanding fast and globapsation made it easy to conquer new markets.然而,当时全球经济也在扩张,而全球化使得该国很容易征服新的市场。

4.Liquidity problem is one of the major difficulties that the financial world has not been able to conquer yet.流动性问题是当今世界财务领域中尚未解决的主要难题之一。

5.Alexander had a story that his mother used to tell him, and he went out to conquer the world.亚历山大的母亲告诉他一个故事,他于是征服了世界。

6.rita: I made up to conquer Engpsh. Nothing is going to stop me form reaching my goal.我下定决心要攻克英语。没有什么能阻止我达成目标。

7.Having now done so much, he began to turn his eyes elsewhere for other field to conquer .他现在既已收了这么大的效果,就转向别处寻找别的领域去征服了。

8.It had a high degree of conscious discippne and was heroically inspired to destroy all enemies and conquer all difficulties.它有高度自觉的纪律,有压倒一切敌人、不怕任何困难的英雄气概。

9.Let me not beg for the stilpng of my pain but for the heart to conquer it.让我不乞求我的痛苦会静止,但求我的心能征服它,

10.The right audience to treat money. The difficulties as challenges to conquer, as you know, the best things are difficult.正确的对待金钱。把困难当成将要征服的挑战。要知道,好事多磨。