


网络释义:电信总局(Directorate General of Telecommunications);扩散梯度;电信总局(Directorate General of Telecommunication)


1.电信总局(Directorate General of Telecommunications)munication (MOTC) or the directorate general of telecommunication (DGT).

4.扩散梯度技术 iot( 交通部运输研究所) dgt( 交通部电信总局) thb( 交通部公路局) ...


1.Upon request, the DGT may elect not to disclose such portions of the agreement related to patent or other intellectual property rights.但得依要求,不公开互连协议书中专利等智慧财产权之内容。

2.A copy of the DGT's approval of a sample of the service contract between the Operator and users.经营者与其使用者订立之服务契约范本经电信总局核定之影本。

3.The principle, nowaday researches, applying fields and prospects of diffusive gradients in thin-films technique( DGT ) are introduced.本文介绍了薄膜扩散梯度技术的原理、研究现状、应用领域以及发展前景。

4.The DGT may require the Operator to disaggregate the financial data of aforementioned Licensed Service segments by operational items.电信总局得要求经营者再将前项各种电信业务财务资料,按营业项目加以分离。

5.The local telecommunications operation areas shall be promulgated by DGT.市内通信营业区域,由电信总局公告之。

6.But buildings announced by the DGT are not subject to this restriction.但经电信总局公告之建筑物,不在此限。

7.A negotiable certificate of deposit pledged with DGT as pledgee.设定质权人为电信总局之可转让定期存款单。

8.With huge strength and development potential, DGT became the first and the only contractual partner of Boeing in China at early 2007.因强大的实力和发展潜力,本公司在2007年初成为美国波音公司在中国第一家,也是唯一的一家签约合作伙伴。

9.Up until now, DGT has estabpshed good relations with multinational corporations, such as GE, Microsoft, Oracle and Boeing.迄今为止,DGT已同GE、微软、甲骨文、波音等世界级跨国公司保持和发展着良好的合作关系。

10.Research on Drift Error for DGT and its Compensating Algorithm动力调谐陀螺仪误差及其补偿算法的研究