


美式发音: [kənˈsekjətɪv] 英式发音: [kənˈsekjʊtɪv]




adj.+n.consecutive month,consecutive quarter,consecutive week





1.连续不断的following one after another in a series, without interruption

She was absent for nine consecutive days.她一连缺席了九天。

He is beginning his fourth consecutive term of office.他开始了第四届任期。


adj.1.following one after another in order and with nothing else in between

1.连续的 persecution n 迫害 consecutive a 连贯的,连续的 consecution n 连贯,一致 ...

2.连贯的 persecution n 迫害 consecutive a 连贯的,连续的 consecution n 连贯,一致 ...

3.始终一贯的 concedevt. 承认,退让 consecutive a. 联贯的,始终一贯的 console v. 安慰,抚慰? ...

4.顺序的 compulsory a. 必须的, 强迫的 consecutive a. 接连不断的, 顺序的 console n. (计算机) 控制台, …

5.接连的 conscience n. 良心, 道德心 consecutive a. 连续的, 接连的 consent n. 同意, 赞成 ...

6.连续的,连贯的 Key words 单词 Consecutive adj. 连续的,连贯的 spin-off 分割;从更大的实体派生出 ...

7.连续不断的 comic a. 逗笑的; 喜剧的 consecutive a. 连续不断的 coordinator n. 策划者 ...


1.To render the dark scene close to what I saw I took 7 consecutive 15-second exposures in under 2 minutes interval.为了表现接近我所能看见的黑暗场景,我在2分钟的时间内采用了7个连续不断的15秒曝光。

2.As of the end of 2005, the United States home sales set record highs for five consecutive years, prices have continued to rise.截至2005年底,美国住房销售量连续五年创下历史新高,价格也不断上涨。

3.The standard newspaper definition of a recession is a decpne in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for two or more consecutive quarters.媒体对于经济衰退有一个标准的版本:国内生产总值连续两个季度或两个季度以上下跌,即为经济衰退。

4.For three consecutive nights, the maid had dreamt of Master conversing with her and knew that She had come to bless her.后来女佣连续三晚都梦到师父和她谈话,她开心地得知那是师父在加持她。

5.China forward Yi Li showed some obvious nervousness by dribbpng the ball off his body and out of bounds on two consecutive possessions.中国前锋易立明显很紧张,连续两次运球碰到自己的身上出界。

6.If I win the next nine consecutive matches and I lose the record after that then I prefer this.如果我赢得之后九场的连胜而我丢掉记录,那么我会这样选择。

7.Dream memories are fragile, and trying to recall all the plot twists and turns on consecutive nights seems to have a cumulative effect.梦的记忆是很薄弱的,尝试着去回忆连续的晚上做的情节迂回曲折的梦,这好像会产生一种累积的效果。

8.Take a look at "Rows inserted" in consecutive snapshots to see if the rate of inserts varies during the course of a bulk insert.请注意连续快照中的“Rowsinserted”,看看在批量插入期间插入的速率是否有变化。

9.After getting less-than-adequate sleep for 5 consecutive nights, I noticed it had started to take a toll on me.在连续五个晚上获得的睡眠少于足够数目后,我发现,它开始对我产生出影响。

10.In a measure of that robust momentum, it was the 26th consecutive month that the official index had stood above the threshold of 50.这种强劲势头之下,已经连续26个月官方指数站到了50以上的门槛。