


美式发音: [kənˈsent] 英式发音: [kən'sent]




第三人称单数:consents  现在分词:consenting  过去式:consented  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.mutual consent,parental consent,full consent,reluctant consent

v.+n.obtain consent,express consent,refuse consent,withhold consent







1.[u]~ (to sth)同意;准许;允许permission to do sth, especially given by sb in authority

Children under 16 cannot give consent to medical treatment.16 岁以下的儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。

The written consent of a parent is required.要求有家长的书面同意。

to refuse/withhold your consent拒不同意

He is charged with taking a car without the owner's consent .他因未征得车主的同意自行开走车而受到指控。

2.[u]同意;赞同agreement about sth

She was chosen as leader by common consent(= everyone agreed to the choice) .大家一致同意选她为领导人。

By mutual consent they didn't go out(= they both agreed not to) .他俩一致同意不出门了。

3.[c]正式批准文件;批文an official document giving permission for sth


1.[i]同意;准许;允许to agree to sth or give your permission for sth

When she told them what she intended they readily consented.她告诉他们她的打算时,他们欣然同意。

He reluctantly consented to his daughter's marriage.他勉强同意了女儿的婚事。

She finally consented to answer our questions.她最终同意回答我们的问题。

v.1.同意,赞成,应允,答应 (to; to do; that)


v.1.to give approval for something2.to agree to do something

n.1.permission to do something

1.同意 assent n 赞成,附和 consent v 同意,答应 consentient a 同意的;一致的 ...

2.赞成 conscience 良心,良知 consent 同意,赞成 consequence 结果,影响;重要 …

3.答应 assent n 赞成,附和 consent v 同意,答应 consentient a 同意的;一致的 ...

4.赞同 sensitivity 灵敏度 consent 赞同 similarity 共性 ...

5.允许 consecration ceremony 开光典礼 consent 允许;同意 consent letter 同意书 ...

6.许可 3. yearning n. 渴望,怀念 4. consent v. 同意,许可 5. calendar n. 日历,日程表 ...

7.同意书有哪些同意书Consent )和其它文件要签 ?1. Consent for Treatment (治疗同意书) : 在急诊室 (ER) 里要签的一份重要的 …


1.For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.那时,我必使万民用清洁的言语,好求告我耶和华的名,同心合意地侍奉我。

2.Parties to the ship without endangering its own security, the Port Supervision without consent, not to leave designated locations.当事船舶在不危及自身安全的情况下,未经渔港监督同意,不得离开指定地点。

3.Yet more essentially, can we ask such a subject to want what she desires, to consent to what the thing in her wants.然而更为基本的是,我们是否能够要求这样一个主体去渴望她所欲望的东西呢,去认可在她渴望中的那个东西。

4.Since Mary's father would not give his consent to her marriage to the man, she decided to burn her bridges and eloped with him.因为玛丽的父亲不会同意她和那男人结婚,她决定破釜沉舟,和那男人私奔了。

5.he insisted on her marrying him, and would consent to nothing else, and when he was drunk he used to abuse her and even beat her.他帕拉吉嫁给他,此外其它的事都答应她,可是他喝醉时经常大骂帕拉吉,甚至打她。

6.Any personal claim or exploitation of such development can only be achieved with the written consent from the company.任何个人专利申请或使用这些发明只有得到企业的书面同意才能实现。

7.If the person per se has no capacity for civil conduct, it shall be subject to the consent and signing of the guardian of the person.本人无行为能力的,应当经其监护人同意,并签署意见。

8.They love one another, and your consent to their marriage is all they need to make them perfectly happy.他们深深相爱,你的允许会让他们的幸福变得更完美。

9.While Uefa appears ready to bow to the club's request, it stopped short of confirming yesterday that it would give its consent.虽然欧足联看上去准备满足俱乐部的这个要求,但昨天却拒绝对此作出肯定的答复。

10.No man may purchase alcohol without written consent from his wife in Pennsylvania.在美国宾夕法尼亚州,没有妻子的书面同意,禁止丈夫购买酒品。