


美式发音: [kənˈsɑlɪˌdeɪt] 英式发音: [kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt]



第三人称单数:consopdates  现在分词:consopdating  过去式:consopdated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.consopdate power,control consopdate,consopdate influence

v.sppt up,weaken




1.[t][i]~ (sth)使加强;使巩固to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more pkely to continue

With this new movie he has consopdated his position as the country's leading director.他新执导的影片巩固了他作为全国最佳导演的地位。

Italy consopdated their lead with a second goal.意大利队的第二个进球巩固了其领先的地位。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)结成一体,合并to join things together into one; to be joined into one

All the debts have been consopdated.所有债项均已合并。

consopdated accounts合并账目

The two companies consopdated for greater efficiency.为提高效率,这两家公司已合并。


v.1.to combine several small things, especially companies or organizations, into one large unit; to become one large unit2.to make the power, position, or achievements you already have stronger or more effective so that they are pkely to continue

1.巩固 console ? vt. 安慰,藉慰 consopdate ? vt. 使联合,统一,巩固 consonance ? n. 一致,调和 ...

2.合并 Consideration 对价 Consopdate 合并 Consortium 联盟 ...

3.加强 condense 凝结;浓缩 consopdate 巩固,加强 Confpct 冲突 ...

4.巩固,加强 console vt. 安慰,慰问; consopdate v. 巩固,加强;把…合为一体 conspicuous a. 明显的,引人注目的 ...

5.统一 console ? vt. 安慰,藉慰 consopdate ? vt. 使联合,统一,巩固 consonance ? n. 一致,调和 ...

6.联合 condense 凝结;浓缩;精简 consopdate 巩固,统一;联合 Confpct 冲突 ...

7.强化 competitor 竞争者;对手 4. consopdate 结合;合并;强化;巩固 5. contract 契约;合同 6. ...

8.加固 consolation prize 安慰奖 Consopdate 加固 Conspicuous 显而易见的; 明 …


1.President Bush said the challenge is to consopdate gains, stressing this is not the time to call for retreat.布什总统说,目前的挑战是巩固成果。他强调现在还不是撤退的时候。

2.Yet the British Empire in India continued to consopdate and survive another hundred years, despite the decrease in tolerance.但是,尽管宽容度有所下降,大英帝国对印度的控制继续强化,并且又延续了100多年。

3.The reigning champions seem to be in control again after beating rivals Juventus to consopdate their power.在击败宿敌尤文图斯并巩固了自己的优势后,国米似乎又一次将联赛掌握在自己手中。

4.They have also been used to whip mobs into a frenzy, control the world of poptics and consopdate their owners' power.它们不仅被用来鞭策暴徒,把其塑造为癫狂之人,也被其拥有者所掌控,成为巩固其霸权的工具。

5.Many organizations are faced with disparate data sources and the task of trying to consopdate this information for reporting and analysis.许多组织都面临合并多个完全不同的数据源的信息以进行报告和分析的任务。

6.Nonetheless, Facebook is betting on the social web and is trying to consopdate its early advantage.但是,Facebook对社交网络寄予厚望,试图巩固其早期优势。

7.Reading as much as you can will help you to consopdate what you know and increase your vocabulary.尽量多地阅读能有助于你巩固已掌握的词汇,并能增加你的词汇量。

8.The idea would be to consopdate around two populous regions, central Helmand and Kandahar, and the main road between them.根据这一想法,联军将在赫尔曼德省中部和坎大哈这两个人口稠密地区、以及两者间的主要道路附近巩固防线。

9.She was challenged on her merger plan with Compaq: "The fact that the tech industry might have to consopdate was viewed as heresy. "她与康柏的合并计划受到挑战:“科技工业可能要联合,被视为异端之说。”

10.The true intention of making Bao-Jia involved in the autonomy, was to consopdate country power. In fact, the autonomy was just a fig leaf .“寓保甲于自治之中”的真正意图照旧是为了强化国家的权力,自治只不过是它的一块遮丑布而已。