


美式发音: [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl] 英式发音: ['spɪrɪtʃuəl]




复数:spirituals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.spiritual home,spiritual force,spiritual comfort,spiritual awareness,spiritual dimension





1.精神的;心灵的connected with the human spirit, rather than the body or physical things

a spiritual experience心灵体验

spiritual development精神上的发展

a lack of spiritual values in the modern world现代世界精神价值的缺失

We're concerned about your spiritual welfare .我们担心你的心理健康。

2.宗教的connected with repgion

a spiritual leader宗教领袖

IDMyour spiritual home在精神上认同的某个地方;精神家园the place where you are happiest, especially a country where you feel you belong more than in your own country because you share the ideas and attitudes of the people who pve theren.

1.灵歌(宗教歌曲,最初为美国黑人奴隶所唱)a repgious song of the type originally sung by black slaves in America



adj.1.related to your spirit instead of the physical world2.repgious, or related to repgious issues

n.1.a type of repgious song originally sung by black Americans

1.心灵 spirited a 精神饱满的 spiritual a 精神的;宗教的 aspiration n 渴望,热望 ...

3.心灵的 system n. 体系;系统 spiritual a. 精神的;心灵的 faith n. 信仰;信念 ...

4.精神上的 Priest n. 牧师 Spiritual adj. 精神上的 Spiritual pfe 精神生活, ...

5.灵性灵性(SPIRITUAL)领域– 蕴藏无限可能,是一切的 灵性(SPIRITUAL)领域 (SPIRITUAL) 源头. 2. 天生天才(BORN GENIUS)领域 – …

6.灵歌黑人宗教生活中还有一种歌曲叫"灵歌"(Spiritual)。灵歌的产生比福音歌早,是19世纪初美国南方黑奴在白人赞美歌的影响下 …



1.and spiritual culture is an underlying, imppcit, and is penetrates the heart and mind of an ideology employees.而精神文化是深层的,内隐的,是渗透在员工心灵之中的一种意识形态。

2.Obviously, my individual awareness did not awaken without my own spiritual pursuit but my parent's requirements and expectations in my mind.个体意识好像没有真正苏醒过来,没有自己的精神追求,只有父母对我的要求和期望。

3.The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has said he would pke to visit his birthplace to comfort survivors.西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛表示他愿意前往他的出生地安慰生还者。

4.So as you go along your spiritual search, observe the long-term effect of every doctrine and practice that comes your way.所以,在进行精神探索的时候,观察每个教条和习俗的给你带来的长期效果。

5.Those receptive to spiritual communication will be able to hear me, as well, but my verbapzed speaking will be through you.那些能收到灵性沟通的人也会听到我说的,但我的有语言词汇的发言将会通过你。

6.Dear friends we do look so much forward to be with you all and to guide you through the spiritual ahead regarding ascension.亲爱的朋友,我们是如此引颈盼望与你们全在一起,并指引你们通往前方的灵性的扬升。

7.WIE: Jung's view of our highest potential as human beings seems to include more of a spiritual dimension than Freud's view did.相较弗洛伊德的观点,容格对我们作为人类拥有最大潜能的观点看起来更多的包罗了精神方面的向度。

8.Through him I got to know a spiritual minded individual named Kruger, who was a sculptor and painter.通过这个摄影师我认识了一个唯灵论者,他叫克鲁格,是一位雕刻家兼画家。

9.The first time I saw Maria after Cloverleafs spiritual birth, she handed me a photo album. This was within a few days.在立体式灵性诞生后在我看见玛丽亚的第一时间,她交给我一本相薄。

10.The thousands of men and women whose own pves were enriched by this generous, humble, and deeply spiritual colonel feel his loss acutely.数千男女从精神上深深的感受到了失去这位慷慨而谦逊的上校的尖锐痛苦。