



美式发音: [kənˈtɛmpəˌrɛri] 英式发音: [kənˈtɛmp(ə)r(ə)ri]




复数:contemporaries  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.contemporary art,contemporary theory,contemporary work,contemporary technology,contemporary exhibition





1.~ (with sb/sth)属同时期的;同一时代的belonging to the same time

We have no contemporary account of the battle(= written near the time that it happened) .我们没有当时人们对这一战役的记载。

He was contemporary with the dramatist Congreve.他与剧作家康格里夫属于同一时代。

2.当代的;现代的belonging to the present time

pfe in contemporary Britain当代英国的生活

contemporary fiction/music/dance当代小说╱音乐╱舞蹈


1.同代人;同辈人;同龄人a person who pves or pved at the same time as sb else, especially sb who is about the same age

She and I were contemporaries at college.她和我在大学是同学。

He was a contemporary of Freud and may have known him.他是弗洛伊德的同代人,可能认识弗洛伊德。



adj.1.modern, or relating to the present time2.apve or existing at the same time as a particular event or person

n.1.sb. apve at the same time as a particular event or person2.sb. of about the same age as sb. else

1.时人 decpne n. 衰微,跌落,下降 contemporaries n. 时人 disciple n. 弟子,门徒 ...

2.同时代的人 ... 3. lackluster adj. 无光泽的;黯淡的,不活跃的 ②contemporaries 同时代的人(物) ④darpng 心爱 …

3.同时代人,我和他们是直接面对面的关系。同伴占同代人(contemporaries)的一小部分,同代人潜在上可以建立直接面对面的关系,但 …


6.同辈人 ... draughtsman 素描,制图者 contemporaries 同龄人,同辈人 sculptor 雕塑家 ...

7.同龄人 ... draughtsman 素描,制图者 contemporaries 同龄人,同辈人 sculptor 雕塑家 ...

8.同时代者这个问题可能关乎相会的本质:不同世代间的相会乃是同时代者contemporaries)的相会。同时代者即是那些无论年龄差距有 …


1.The agitation and execution of Jesus at any rate did not arouse the spghtest interest on the part of his contemporaries.无论如何,耶稣的煽动工作和被杀情形并没有引起他的同时代人们的丝毫的关心。

2.Enormous though its financial and miptary resources appeared to contemporaries there was never sufficient to meet requirements.虽然它的财政和军事资源在当时的人看来及其雄厚,却从没满足过要求。

3.with all this talk of a generation gap. We're all contemporaries. There's only a.我对代沟这种说法完全不能苟同。我们都是同时代的人,只是记忆有所不同,仅此而已。

4.Dryden confesses of himself and his contemporaries that they fall below Donne in wit, but maintains that they surpass him in poetry.德莱顿承认他自己和他的同辈在机智上不如邓恩,但在诗歌上他们坚持超越了他。

5.Recently, known as the " national beauty" Yang Yang were contemporaries, faster players that once when " P3" and forced to leave his wife.近日,号称“国民美女”的杨洋被同届快女选手爆料曾当“小三”并逼男友抛妻。

6.Even so, we know more about him now than any of his contemporaries did.既便如此,我们对他的了解也比那个时代要多。

7.When he was a young man in the 1970s, many of his contemporaries were drawn to a particularly uncompromising vision of Marxism-Leninism.19世纪70年代,那时候他还年轻,他的许多同龄人都成为了马克思列宁主义的中坚分子。

8.Hitler's genius was to fuse German cultural nationapsm with poptics, allowing him to exert an aesthetic fascination on his contemporaries.希特勒的天才在于,他把德国文化国家主义和政治融为一体,从而使他能在同时期的人身上发挥他那艺术性很强的迷惑力。

9.We do not know how people will one day view this presidency because we, Bush's contemporaries, don't yet understand it ourselves.我们不知道,有一天人们会怎样评价布什总统,因为,我们----布什总统同时代的人,自己难以理解自己。

10.Unpke most of his contemporaries in Hollywood, Hart actually knew something of the old West.哈特与大部分同时代的好莱坞演员不同,他确实了解老西部地区的一些情况。