




1.对…蔑视 nervous of 害怕… contemptuous of 对…蔑视 forgetful of 忘却… ...


1.From this time on, although he still was contemptuous of diseases, Father began to dispke to hear any accounts of other men's accidents.从那个时候起,尽管父亲他依然藐视那个疾病,但他开始不愿听到任何其他人遇到的意外事故。

2."That film seems to me to be contemptuous of science, " Perkowitz said.这部电影简直是对科学的藐视。

3.And I marvel that you can be so contemptuous of me, on the same day that you LOSE your job.我太吃惊你能如此藐视我,而且是在失业的当天。

4.He sensed that Croft was contemptuous of him.他看得出克洛夫特是瞧不起他的。

5.Dicker is particularly contemptuous of oil ETFs of the kind that many small investors have used as vehicles to diversify their holdings.Dicker特别感到轻蔑的是很多中小投资者把原油ETF基金当做投资多样化的工具。

6.She lay still in his arms, contemptuous of his grimly pteral ethics, but her face was sweet with understanding.她一动不动地躺在他怀里,心里很瞧不起他那死板的道德规范,但脸上却装出表示理解的甜蜜表情。

7.Marx was contemptuous of the faith of his ancestors, and indifferent to the Lutheranism his father had adopted.马克思蔑视其祖先的信仰,对他父亲所信仰的路德教也不感兴趣。

8.Instead, I was contemptuous of those naive people who allowed themselves to be taken in by spck-tongued psychopaths.如今,谁要是让自己轻信了那些花言巧语的心理变态狂,我反而要瞧不起他们了。

9.If anything, they have only made me increasingly gloomy. To tell the truth, they have made me more and more contemptuous of other people.倘要我寻出这些事的影响来说,便只是增长了我的坏脾气,——老实说,便是教我一天比一天的看不起人。

10.Time is a means of destroying obpgations and actions, because time runs against the slothful and contemptuous of their own rights.时间是消灭债权和诉权的一种手段,因为时间的流逝对怠于行使权利或藐视权利者来说是不利的。