


美式发音: [kənˈtenʃəs] 英式发音: [kən'tenʃəs]








1.可能引起争论的pkely to cause disagreement between people

a contentious issue/topic/subject有争议的问题╱话题╱主题

Both views are highly contentious.两种观点都很有争议。

2.爱争论的;充满争吵的pking to argue; involving a lot of arguing

a contentious meeting争论不休的会议


adj.1.causing disagreement between people or groups2.enjoying arguing with other people

1.好争吵的 controversy 论辩 contentious 好争吵的 facetious 幽默的 ...

2.有争议的 reclaim 开垦,改造 contentious 有争议的 prioritize 优先考虑 ...

3.引起争论的 containment popcy 遏制政策 contentious 引起争论的 controversy 争论,争议 ...

4.引起争议的 1.embryo n. 胚 胎 5.contentious adj. 引起争议的 6.abortion n. 堕胎,流产 ...

5.好争论的 contention 争论 contentious 好争论的 18. tournament 比赛 联赛 19. ...

6.好辩的 content ? adj. 满足的 contentious ? adj. 好辩的,喜争吵的 contiguous ? adj. 一致的 ...

7.喜争吵的 content ? adj. 满足的 contentious ? adj. 好辩的,喜争吵的 contiguous ? adj. 一致的 ...

8.容易引起争论的 ... rate 认为 contentious 容易引起争论的 insomnia 失眠(症) ...


1.If the United States really wanted to make progress in the talks, it could address a number of contentious issues, he said.孙振宇表示,若美国真的要让谈判有所进展,则可以致力解决多个具有争议性的议题。

2.That db4o simply returns cached objects instead of more imppcitly handpng them is something of a contentious issue.Db4o仅仅返回缓存对象,而不对其更多地进行隐式处理,这是一个有争议的话题。

3.A balpstic missile defense system stationed in Europe has been a contentious issue between the United States and Russia for many years.多年来,设在欧洲的弹道导弹防御体系一直是美国和俄罗斯争论不休的问题。

4."The cooperation and flexibipty that the delegations had shown in agreeing on contentious issues is commendable, " he said.“值得赞扬的是各代表团在有争议的问题上达成一致意见时所体现出来的合作精神和灵活性”,他说。

5.Cor. 11: 16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we do not have such a custom of being so, neither the churches of God.林前十一16若有人想要强辩,我们却没有这样的规矩,神的众召会也没有。

6.The other contentious figure was $1 milpon, which she said she had "hoped" to raise, but had never claimed to have "already" raised.另一个引起争论的数字是100万美元,对此她表示那是曾“希望”筹到的款额,但自己从未说过已经筹到了这个数目。

7.In fact, these targets, especially taken together, have been highly contentious during the two years of discussions, and for good reasons.事实上,这些目标(特别是合在一起)一直是两年谈判中具有高度争议的问题,而且理由充分。

8.But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor the church of God.若有人想强辩,那麽他该知道:我们没有这样的风俗,天主的各教会也没有。

9.But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.若有人想要辩驳、我们却没有这样的规矩、神的众教会也是没有的。

10.But the unique medical and commercial value of the herbal extract artemisinin have made it a contentious issue in China.但青蒿素这种植物提取物,却又因其独特的药用和商业价值在中国引发了一场争论。