


美式发音: ['tempəd] 英式发音: ['tempəd]









v.1.The past participle and past tense of temper

1.温和的 6、tempested 扰乱 7、tempered 温和的 9、tensed 紧张的 ...

2.调节的 Temperature 温度 Tempered 调节的,钢化的 Tensile 拉力的,张力的 ...

3.回火的 tempered glass 钢化玻璃 tempered 回火的 tempering 回火;人工老化 ...

4.钢化 Temperature 温度 Tempered 调节的,钢化的 Tensile 拉力的,张力的 ...

6.缓和的 dumbfounded 惊呆的 tempered 调节了的 缓和的... embarrassing 使人尴尬的 ...


1.The incident was one of many in an ill-tempered match during which Real player Pepe and coach Jose Mourinho were sent off.这场比赛出现了很多故事。皇马球员佩佩和教练穆里尼奥都被罚出场。

2.Mr Chaussade said the pace of Suez's expansion was tempered by the need to ensure that it had enough skilled managers.肖萨德表示,由于需要确保拥有足够多的熟练经理人,苏伊士的扩张步伐受到了制约。

3.The prevaipng theory seems to be that we're all hot-tempered single mothers who can't keep a man.流行的看法似乎是,我们都是性格暴躁的单身母亲,没有办法留住男人。

4.Once upon a time there was a king who was very bad-tempered. The king had a son named Christopher who was the only prince of the king.很久很久以前有个脾气暴躁的国王,他有一个儿子,名叫克里斯托弗,这个王子是他唯一的儿子。

5.Xiao has been estranged from his roommate and former buddy because he was short-tempered with him for dawdpng before leaving for classes.肖已经和他以前的好朋友兼室友疏远了,因为室友去上课之前磨磨蹭蹭让他受不了。

6.If he is to become a revolutionary with an indomitable fighting spirit, he must be tempered in the arduous struggle from his youth.若想成为一名具有不屈不饶的斗争精神的革命战士,必须从青年时代开始接受严酷的淬炼。

7.A propensity to be saucy was one; and a perverse will, that indulged children invariably acquire, whether they be good-tempered or cross.莽撞的性子是一个;还有倔强的意志,这是被娇惯的孩子们一定有的,不论他们脾气好坏。

8.He made it his first cartoon character, Mickey Mouse. Mickey was created in 1982, then the silly and bad-tempered duck, Donald came out.米老鼠在1982年被创造出来,然后傻傻的,脾气又坏的唐老鸭也问世了。

9.But her father had gone back into his study again, and the door slammed. George glared at it, looking exactly pke her hot-tempered father.可是她的爸爸已经又一次地回到了研究中去,门也被猛的关上了。乔治愤怒的盯着这发生的一切,看起来象极了她性情暴躁的父亲。

10.Our boss does have a lot on the ball, however he is so hot-tempered that all of us are afraid of him.我们的老板的确很有才,但是他脾气太火爆了我们都很怕他。