


美式发音: [kənˈtɪɡjuəs] 英式发音: [kənˈtɪɡjʊəs]




Adj.+n.contiguous zone





1.相接的;相邻的touching or next to sth

The countries are contiguous.这些国家互相接壤。

The bruising was not contiguous to the wound.这青肿块不在伤口边上。

adj.1.连接,接近,邻接 (to)

adj.1.next to each other, or joining each other

1.邻近的 contagious a 传染的 contiguous a 邻近的,接近的 contingent a 依条件而定的 ...

2.接近的 contagious a 传染的 contiguous a 邻近的,接近的 contingent a 依条件而定的 ...

3.接壤的 ambiguous 含糊的,不坦率的 contiguous 接近的,接壤的 exiguous 稀少的,微小的 ...

4.连续 DNA 序列] contiguous 邻接的,毗连的 continuous annular chromatography 连续环形层析 ...

6.连续的 Joint 接缝 Contiguous 相邻的 Anchorage 锚固件 ...

8.相连的 container 容器 contiguous 相连的 continuously ad. 连续不断地 ...


1.A major restriction of the physical partition was that each partition had to be contiguous; meaning you could not span multiple drives.物理分区的主要限制在于每个分区必须是连续的;这意味着不能跨多个驱动器。

2.The GC can only contract contiguous blocks of memory from the end of the heap, so a compaction might be required to contract the heap.GC只能收缩从堆末尾开始的连续内存块,因此收缩堆可能需要进行压缩。

3.Two or more contiguous data tracks estabpsh a band, and a band estabpshes a respective segment in a log-structured file system.两个或更多相邻的数据轨道建立一个带,并且带建立日志结构文件系统中的各个段。

4.Only Hawaii and Alaska are outside the contiguous United States and do not share a border with any other US state.只有夏威夷和阿拉斯加以外的美国和连续不同意的边界与任何其他美国。

5.It would be contiguous with the theater, or with makeup, the ritual and burlesque ostentation of a sex whose own pleasure is absent.这会比邻于手术室,或者化妆品,性的仪式和滑稽的夸耀,但是缺乏快乐。

6.GetRange: Get a set of values out of a contiguous range of cells. Same addressing flavors.获取一组连续单元格区域位置值。采取同样的寻址方式。

7.Range object represents a contiguous area in a document, and is defined by a starting character position and an ending character position.对象表示文档中的一个连续的区域,由一个起始字符位置和一个结束字符位置定义。

8.The thesis introduces a hierarchical cellular system. In this kind of system, a set of contiguous micro cells are overlaid with a macrocell.本文引入了双层蜂窝网络结构,该双层系统由一个伞状宏小区覆盖若干个下层微小区的区群构成。

9.The only poten? tial issue would be if you also wanted to use the swap area as a dump area. Dump space must be contiguous.唯一可能的问题是如果您是否还想要将交换区域用作转储区域,转储空间必须连续。

10.The memory is no more a single contiguous space as it is for a traditional non-partitioned environment.与传统的非分区环境不同的是,内存不再是一个连续空间。