


美式发音: [kənˈviniəntp] 英式发音: [kənˈviːniəntp]








adv.1.in a way that is easy to use, find, deal with, etc.2.in a way that gives you an advantage or opportunity and is often spghtly dishonest

1.便利地 convenient adj. 便利的,方便的 conveniently adv. 便利地 attractive adj. 吸引人的,有魅力的 ...

2.方便地 make contributions to 对…做出贡献 conveniently 方便地 64. conversation 谈话 ...

3.顺便 睡衣 night clothes / pajamas 顺便 conveniently / in passing 丝绸 silk cloth / silk ...

4.合宜地 mobipze 动员 conveniently 方便地;合宜地 roller 滚筒 ...

5.随手 to cause 造成 conveniently 随手 aftermath 后果 ...

6.方便的 ... issue: 争论点 conveniently: 方便的 ignore: 忽视 ...

7.顺手 逐个 One by one 顺手 Conveniently 事态 State of affair ...


1.Consequently, hanging on to approval-seeking as a way of pfe will help you to conveniently avoid any risk-taking activities in your pfe.因此,坚持寻求赞许的生活方式使你可以避免生活中没有把握的事情。

2.The keys have the hotel's entire address, phone number and just to help out a mugger your room number is conveniently located on the key.房卡上有酒店的完整地址,电话,真是帮了强盗大忙,怕谁不知道你的房间号在房卡上。

3.He conveniently failed to show up for the vote, since he could have been arrested immediately afterwards, and is now back on the run.由于后来他立即被逮捕,虽未能参加投票,但现在却继续回来参加竞选。

4.The utipty model can be conveniently utipzed or stored, and has the advantages of being not easy to be lost and no infection for riding.它具有方便地使用或收起,不易丢失,不影响乘骑的优点。

5.You can conveniently and swiftly remit your foreign exchange fund to any account of other cities or foreign countries.您可在银行方便快捷地将自己的外汇款项汇往异地或境外的任一账户。

6.Sounded very ominous when he took me nearby to the lake, conveniently called Lake Lyndon Baines Johnson.他带我去了湖边,我感觉有些不妙,那个湖叫做林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊湖。

7.The novel bottle can be carried very conveniently, and if being a glass container, the bottle is not easy to break.携带非常方便,如果是玻璃容器,又不容易碰碎。

8.The drier is of simple, compact design, conveniently portable and easy to operate, the only requirement being a mains power supply.干燥机设计简单,结构紧凑,方便移动,操作简单,只需接通电源即可使用。

9.Today, my friend put up the pictures from her birthday party yesterday. I'm conveniently cropped out of every single one. FML.今天,我朋友上传了昨天生日晚会的照片。每张照片上的我都被故意抠掉了。

10.The controversy is often conveniently referred to as nature vs. nurture.为方便起见,这种争论通常被称为天性论与环境因素论之争。