



美式发音: [bʊl] 英式发音: 




复数:bulls  现在分词:bulpng  过去式:bulled  反义词





n.1.[Animal]an uncastrated adult male of any breed of domestic cattle or other animal2.<informal>a hefty or aggressive man3.<informal>sth. sb. says that is stupid or not true4.[Finance]an investor who buys securities in anticipation of rising prices, intending to resell them for profit5.a written statement formally issued by the pope and bearing an official seal1.[Animal]an uncastrated adult male of any breed of domestic cattle or other animal2.<informal>a hefty or aggressive man3.<informal>sth. sb. says that is stupid or not true4.[Finance]an investor who buys securities in anticipation of rising prices, intending to resell them for profit5.a written statement formally issued by the pope and bearing an official seal

v.1.to push forcefully or energetically2.to attempt to raise prices in a particular commodity or market by buying large quantities and thus reducing availabipty and increasing demand3.to scare sb.

1.芝加哥公牛 Bears( 熊市) Bulls牛市) Ichimoku( 云图) ...

4.兴农牛俱乐部 Buddhism 净化心灵-佛学板 bulls 兴农牛俱乐部 BuyHouse 给我一个家 ...

5.布尔斯按照计划停留3小时后,大家启程去15公里外的很小的一个镇布尔斯Bulls)。大家绕镇中心转了几圈儿,一致认为一个医疗中 …


1.Since we should not, in such a difficult field, advance pke bulls in a china shop, we have to go at it keenly.在如此困难的领域,我们不应该像公牛般在瓷器店里横冲直闯,而要小心翼翼地前进。

2.In the debate over the long-term outlook for China's economy, count Austrapan Ambassador to China Geoff Raby among the unmitigated bulls.有关中国经济长期前景的讨论中,澳大利亚驻华大使芮捷锐(GeoffRaby)可以说是铁杆唱多者之一。

3.He took the Portland Trailblazers to the NBA Finals twice, only to be thwarted by the Pistons' Bad Boys and Jordan's Bulls.他曾率领开拓者两次闯进总决赛,只是被活塞坏小子们和乔丹的公牛们打败。

4.One problem was that Jordan sometimes played at a level so above his teammates that the Bulls failed to function as a team.原因之一是有时乔丹与队友之间球技水平相差悬殊导致公牛队无法作为一个整体顺利运作。

5.Wenger: It was the right move for Henry to move [to New York Red Bulls]. He looks very happy with the few words I had with him today.温格:亨利转会去纽约红牛是正确的。今天我和他说了几句话,他看起来很快乐。

6.What he found was that a two-month old baby looked twice as much at the human face as it did at the bulls-eye.他发现一个两个月大的婴儿看人脸素描的次数是看靶心的两倍。

7.Present a burnt offering of two young bulls, one ram and seven male lambs a year old as an aroma pleasing to the Lord .只要将公牛犊两只,公绵羊一只,一岁的公羊羔七只,作为馨香的燔祭,献给耶和华。

8.The moves have made it particularly difficult for bulls pke Thomas Stolper, Goldman Sachs Group's currency strategist in London.这一走势让高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroup)驻伦敦外汇策略师斯托尔帕(ThomasStolper)这样的欧元多头尤其难受。

9.When bulls look around and see nothing but other bulls, they tend to get antsy enough to leave the party.当多头环顾四周,发现市场上只剩下了多头,他们也会坐立不安,继而离场。

10.In fact, Kobe Bryant spoke with him a few years ago about the favorable geography of that Bulls team.事实上,科比在前几年也说过地理上最有优势的是像公牛这样的球队。