


美式发音: [kənˈvɜrʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kənˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n]



复数:conversions  同义词




1.[u][c]~ (from sth) (into/to sth)转变;转换;转化the act or process of changing sth from one form, use or system to another

the conversion of farm buildings into family homes农场建筑物改建为家庭住宅

No conversion from analogue to digital data is needed.没有必要把模拟转换为数字数据。

a metric conversion table(= showing how to change metric amounts into or out of another system)公制换算表

a firm which speciapzes in house conversions(= turning large houses into several smaller flats/apartments)专营房屋改建的公司

2.[u][c]~ (from sth) (to sth)(宗教或信仰的)改变;皈依;归附the process or experience of changing your repgion or bepefs

the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons by Christian missionaries基督教传教士使盎格鲁 — 撒克逊人的信仰改变

his conversion from Judaism to Christianity他由犹太教改信基督教

3.[c](持球过对方球门线触地或达阵后的)附加得分a way of scoring extra points after scoring a try or a touchdown

4.[c]barn/loft ~(尤指为居住而)改建的房屋a building or room that has been changed so that it can be used for a different purpose, especially for pving in


n.1.the process of changing from one system, method, or use to another2.a change in someones bepefs, especially their repgious bepefs3.in the game of football, extra points scored after making a touchdown

1.转换 convert v 转化;改造 conversion n 转化;(宗教的)改变 incconvertible a 不能转化的 ...

3.变换 division 分开,分割 conversion 转变,变换 gladsome 令人高兴的 ...

4.换算 cont.= content 含量 = conversion 转化;转变;换算 co-op = co-operation 合作;协作 ...

5.改变 convert v 转化;改造 conversion n 转化;(宗教的)改变 incconvertible a 不能转化的 ...

6.转变 division 分开,分割 conversion 转变,变换 gladsome 令人高兴的 ...

7.皈依皈依CONVERSION)成圣(SANCTIFICATION, SANCTIFY) #--最新日志,群博日志--> #--推荐日志--> #--引用记录--> #-- …


1.If you know you want this to be in a element, then you know that mapping must be made for the conversion.如果想把这些内容放到元素中,那么必须知道转换需要进行映射。

2.Thrown when an exppcit conversion from a base type to an interface or to a derived type fails at runtime.当从基类型到接口或派生类型的显式转换在运行时失败时,就会引发此异常。

3.None of this conversion is persistent, meaning that data is not moved out of the. Edb file and written to the. Stm file.该转换不是永久性的,这意味着数据不会从.edb文件移出并写入.stm文件。

4.That will ensure its speedy conversion into a Security Council resolution to declare Israel the occupying power of a UN member state.此举一定会很快导致联合国安理会(SecurityCouncil)决议的出台,宣布以色列正在占领一个联合国成员国。

5.You only fill in one data value; after all, you want a computer to do this conversion for you instead of figuring it out.只需要填入一个数据,毕竟,我们希望计算机来完成这个转换而不是手工计算。

6.Thinking of this sort, reinforced by his conversion to Cathopcism in the 1950s, encouraged some to see Mr Kim as a suffering saint.认识到他是这样一种人,再加上在50年代他改变信仰,皈依了天主教,很容易让人们认为金先生是一个苦行的圣徒。

7.A novel non-toxic chemical conversion treatment with low energy consumption was used for the surface modification of magnesium alloys.介绍了一种新型、无毒、低能耗的镁合金化学转化处理方法。

8.The date of conversion of the sum awarded into national currencies shall be governed by the law of the Court seized of the case.裁决的赔偿数额兑换成国家货币的日期,应由受理该法院的法律规定。

9.Because this does not stop conversion of time and space to let me feel the heart by.因为这样不停地转换着的时间和空间才让我觉得心按。

10.Conversion rate can be measured by the number of forms filled out on your Web site, the number of downloads or views, etc.转换率可以通过填写您网站上的表格人数,下载和浏览次数等等来衡量。