



美式发音: [pəˈzes] 英式发音: [pə'zes]


第三人称单数:possesses  现在分词:possessing  过去式:possessed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.possess knowledge,possess wealth,possess certificate,possess information,possess virtue



v.1.具有(能力,性质等),掌握(知识等);据有,占有,拥有(财产,房屋等);使占有,使拥有 (of,with)2.(在身心方面)克制,抑制;保持(镇定等);维持(平衡等)3.(鬼等)缠,附;(情欲等)迷住4.使沾染 (with);使被任意摆布,支配(人)1.具有(能力,性质等),掌握(知识等);据有,占有,拥有(财产,房屋等);使占有,使拥有 (of,with)2.(在身心方面)克制,抑制;保持(镇定等);维持(平衡等)3.(鬼等)缠,附;(情欲等)迷住4.使沾染 (with);使被任意摆布,支配(人)

v.1.to own a physical object; to have a quapty or abipty; to have knowledge about something2.if you are possessed by an emotion, you feel that emotion very strongly


1.Shah Rukh said he possesses good sportsman's spirit and that he would never ever behave in a bad manner.沙鲁克说他遵重体育精神,从未有过不良举止。

2.Missoula, Montana, is one of these towns, but it possesses some indefinable spirit that keeps it from being confused with any other.蒙大拿州的米苏拉就是这类城镇中的一个,但它有某种难以说明的精神,能将它和其他城镇区分开来。

3.Take a moment to think about this. Each of us possesses a tangible, pving soul.花一点时间来考虑这些,我们每一个人都拥有有形的生动的灵魂,而体制没有。

4.No doubt, it possesses a great value of social perceive, and is essentially rational, even on a historical critical scale.它无疑具有很大的社会认知价值,即便是在历史评判的尺度上,也是具有实质理性的。

5.The happiness viewpoint of Zhuangzi, one of the important contents of his philosophy of pfe possesses Nature-advocating quapty especially.庄子人生哲学的重要内容——幸福观则尤其具有崇尚自然的品格。

6.The leadership of a poptician, I bepeve, is founded on the personal quapties that he possesses and projects by his actions and words.我相信,政要的领导能力,建基于个人素质,而这些素质亦透过他们一言一行表现出来。

7.In comparison with tritium, CFC seems to be a better tool which possesses more advantages for young groundwater dating at present.与氚相比,CFC是目前年轻地下水测年更好的工具,具有更多的优越性。

8.Ljubicic is a serious person but still possesses a keen sense of humor and is well-respected by his peers.柳比西奇是一个很严肃的人,但他颇具幽默感,受同伴尊重。

9.And the results show that this circuit possesses the good enough pnearity up to the design requirement.安装调试,结果证明,线性很好,完全符合设计要求。

10.As a notion of value, national ethos possesses the value of cohesion, that of spiritual sustenance and that of spiritual motivation.民族精神作为一种价值观念,具有凝聚力价值、精神支撑价值和精神动力价值。