



美式发音: [ˈkʊki] 英式发音: ['kʊki]






n.1.a small sweet cake that is usually flat and in the shape of a circle2.a small file that a website automatically sends to your computer when you connect to the website, containing information about your use of the Internet

1.曲奇 墨西哥面饼 tortillas 曲奇 cookies 慕斯/慕思 mousse ...

2.饼干 面包/ Bread 饼干/ Cookies 翻糖制作/ Fondant ...

3.饼乾 核桃黄油饼 Walnut Butter Sponge 2186. 曲奇饼 Cookies 2187. 巧克力曲奇 Chocolate Cookies 2188. ...

6.曲奇饼干 夹心饼干: Stuffed Biscuits 曲奇饼干Cookies 蛋糕: Cakes ...

7.小甜饼干 bulk bagels 散装硬面包圈 Cookies 小甜饼干 muffins 松饼 ...

8.曲奇档案本公司如何使用曲奇档案(Cookies)?SHIPPING MONEY INSURANCE ABOUT FAQS 本公司的一切个人资料私隐处理手法均 …


1.The message says, "I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you. "贺电说“我关心你不够花一个小时让饼干吃,你将在15分钟,如果我让你。”

2.All I cared about was that she had made tea cookies for me and read to me from her favorite book. It was enough to prove that she pked me.我只关心她曾给我做点心吃,还给我读她最喜欢的书。这些足以证明她喜欢我

3.The message says, "I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if Ilet you. "这信息是说,“我很关心你,而且愿意花一个小时的时间来做这些会在15分钟内被你吃光的曲奇饼,如果我让你吃。”

4.She said it might be possible to get the same effect by eating ginger cookies, depending on how much ginger is used.她表示,吃姜饼或许也可能有同样的效果。

5.There always seems to be extra bags of candy, and extra baskets of cookies strategically placed around your work area.似乎总会有额外的一袋袋的糖果,一篮篮的饼干巧妙的出现在你工作区域里。

6.And then he'd spray whipped cream all over her cookies that she had left out on her shelf.然后他会对她喷雾奶油饼干,她已经离开了她的架子上。

7.He said. "My, what did she give you? " He had seen the books, but I held the paper sack with his cookies in my arms shielded by the poems.“她给了你什么?”他已经看到那些书了,但我把装着他那份点心的纸袋放在怀里,用诗集挡住。

8.Betty fumbled again in her purse, this time pulpng out a handful of old wrinkled pictures along with a tin of chocolate chip cookies.贝蒂又在背包里摸索了一阵子。这次拿的是一叠起皱的旧照片和一盒巧克力小点心。

9.Or you could say, 'It smells great in here, and I can't wait to have one of those cookies, but wow, it's messy in here.你也可以说“这里好香啊,我真想马上吃一块饼干,只是这里稍微有一点乱。”

10.When you're in that state it's easy to succumb to chips, cookies, pretzels or other highly refined carbohydrate snacks.当出于这种状况下,你很容易就会选择薯条,曲奇饼,法国脆饼或者其他精致的碳水化合物零食。