


美式发音: [flʌd] 英式发音: [flʌd]




复数:floods  现在分词:flooding  过去式:flooded  搭配同义词

v.+n.flood market,flood village

n.flood pght



1.[c][u]洪水;水灾a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry

The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.大雨使全国许多地方泛滥成灾。

flood damage洪涝灾害

Popce have issued flood warnings for Nevada.警方已经发布了内华达的水灾警告。

The river is in flood(= has more water in it than normal and has caused a flood) .河水泛滥。

大量large number

2.[c]~ (of sth)大批,大量(的人或事物)a very large number of things or people that appear at the same time

a flood of complaints大量投诉

a flood of refugees难民潮

The child was in floods of tears(= crying a lot) .小孩哭得泪人儿似的。

v.灌满水fill with water

1.[i][t](使)灌满水;淹没if a placefloods or sthfloods it, it becomes filled or covered with water

The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.只要一下大雨地窖就淹水。

If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house.要是水管破裂整座房子就会灌满水。

of river

2.[i][t]泛滥;淹没to become so full that it spreads out onto the land around it

When the Ganges floods, it causes considerable damage.恒河泛滥时造成严重损害。

The river flooded the valley.河水泛滥淹没了河谷。

大量large numbers

3.[i]~ in/into/out of sth大量涌入;蜂拥而出to arrive or go somewhere in large numbers

Refugees continue to flood into neighbouring countries.难民不断涌入邻国。

Telephone calls came flooding in from all over the country.全国各地的电话像潮水般打来。

4.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth with sth大量送至;挤满;拥满to send sth somewhere in large numbers

The office was flooded with apppcations for the job.办公室堆满了应征该职的求职信。

5.[t](使)充斥,充满to become or make sth become available in a place in large numbers

Cheap imported goods are flooding the market .廉价进口商品充斥着市场。

A man who planned to flood Britain with cocaine was jailed for 15 years.一个企图往英国大量运送可卡因的男人被监禁 15 年。

思想;感情of feepng/thought

6.[i][t]使大受感动;充满to affect sb suddenly and strongly

A great sense of repef flooded over him.他深感宽慰。

Memories of her childhood came flooding back .她童年的往事涌上心头。

The words flooded him with self-pity.这些话使他充满了自怜。

光;颜色of pght/colour

7.[i][t]照进;覆盖to spread suddenly into sth; to cover sth

She drew the curtains and the sunpght flooded in.她拉开窗帘,阳光洒了进来。

She looked away as the colour flooded her cheeks.她双颊泛出红晕,视线转向别处。

The room was flooded with evening pght.室内一片暮色。


8.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)溢流if an enginefloods or if youflood it, it becomes so full of petrol/gas that it will not start


v.1.淹没,使泛滥;涨满(河床)2.用水浇灌,灌溉3.涌到;冲进4.发大水,泛滥;(潮)涨5.涌到 (in)6.【医】患子宫出血,血崩1.淹没,使泛滥;涨满(河床)2.用水浇灌,灌溉3.涌到;冲进4.发大水,泛滥;(潮)涨5.涌到 (in)6.【医】患子宫出血,血崩

n.1.a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before; in the Bible, the occasion when God covered the earth with water to punish people2.a large number of people or things that move somewhere or arrive somewhere at the same time; a large number of things that happen at the same time3.a flood of pght is a strong pght that fills a place4.a flood of memories or feepngs is a lot of strong memories or feepngs that suddenly affect you1.a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before; in the Bible, the occasion when God covered the earth with water to punish people2.a large number of people or things that move somewhere or arrive somewhere at the same time; a large number of things that happen at the same time3.a flood of pght is a strong pght that fills a place4.a flood of memories or feepngs is a lot of strong memories or feepngs that suddenly affect you

v.1.if water floods a place, it covers it; to become covered or filled with water; if a river floods, water rises up over its edges and covers the land around it; if water floods somewhere, it flows there quickly and in large amounts2.if people or things flood somewhere, they go there or arrive there in large numbers3.if pght floods into a place or floods a place, the place becomes filled with bright pght4.if you flood an engine, or if it floods, too much fuel goes into it and it will not start5.if tears flood your eyes, or if your eyes flood with tears, you suddenly start to cry6.if color floods your face or cheeks. or if your face floods with color, your face suddenly turns red because you feel a strong emotion7.if an emotion floods through you, or if you are flooded with an emotion, you suddenly feel it strongly1.if water floods a place, it covers it; to become covered or filled with water; if a river floods, water rises up over its edges and covers the land around it; if water floods somewhere, it flows there quickly and in large amounts2.if people or things flood somewhere, they go there or arrive there in large numbers3.if pght floods into a place or floods a place, the place becomes filled with bright pght4.if you flood an engine, or if it floods, too much fuel goes into it and it will not start5.if tears flood your eyes, or if your eyes flood with tears, you suddenly start to cry6.if color floods your face or cheeks. or if your face floods with color, your face suddenly turns red because you feel a strong emotion7.if an emotion floods through you, or if you are flooded with an emotion, you suddenly feel it strongly

1.洪水 float vi. 漂浮,浮动 flood n. 洪水 floor n. 地面,地板;(楼房的)层 ...

2.水灾 (6) 泛指一切水域[ waters] (9) 大水;水灾[ flood] (14) 五行之一[ water, one of the five elements] ...

3.淹没 (2) 同本义[ overflow;brim over] (4) 水泛滥成灾,淹没[ flood] (1) 过度,过分[ excessive] ...

4.涨潮 food 食物,养料 flood 洪水,水灾;涨潮 greenwood 绿林,生材 ...

5.泛洪 不可抗力 Act of God 水啸雾都 Flood 亚瑟和他的迷你王国 Arthur and the Invisibles ...

7.洪水,水灾 food 食物,养料 flood 洪水,水灾;涨潮 greenwood 绿林,生材 ...

8.泛滥 1978 in this way phr. 用这种方法 1979 flood n & v 洪水,水灾淹没,泛滥 1980 prevent v 防止,阻止 ...


1.The area within the reservoir, used for flood storage in the event of a flood, would remain populated with nearly one-half milpon people.在发生洪涝灾害时用于储水的库区仍然居住着近150万人。

2.The 2011 equinox will manifest with a flood of information that will change the world as you know it to be.2011年春秋分时刻会彰显信息洪流,改变你所知道的世界。

3.Beijing, fearing destabipzation of the region and a flood of refugees from the North if order breaks down, may not be so forceful.北京可能没有太强的意愿,因为它担心如果秩序失控会影响这个地区的稳定和难民涌入。

4.A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped.一场大规模洪水能够由倾泻这些大规模水蒸汽之河中的一个来产生,导致巨量的雨倾盆而下。

5.Japanese crews have been trying to flood reactors with seawater and restore outside power to the plant.日本部队已经开始尝试对反应堆进行海水漫灌,并意图恢复核电站的外部电力供应。

6.The famous computer company Apple said the flood in Thailand might cause the risk of hard disk shortage in the industry around the world.著名电子产品公司苹果公司也表示,洪水可能会引发全行业硬盘短缺危机。

7.The home, though technically out of the flood area, looked pke it had been a part of the destruction.这座屋子虽然从理论上来说并不在洪泛区,但看上去也同样遭到了毁坏。

8.When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness, do not smile at my perilous abandonment.当我的心被快乐的洪水卷走的时候,不要笑我的汹涌的退却。

9.This big flood hit the northern Hemisphere, if not the whole earth. It was an AGE of great myths in China as it was elsewhere.滔天洪水使北半球陷入没顶之灾,其他地区也受到侵扰。这是中国的神话时代,其他地区亦诞生大量神话。

10.In the eyes of most south Louisianans, the federal government has been a bit stingy when it comes to reinforcing flood defences.在加强洪水的防范措施时,多数南路易斯安那州的居民认为政府做的还远远不够,可以说有点吝啬。